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Morning everyone. I'm busily working on the Gods of Wandrossa (GoW) ruleset for those who are interested in it. It's moving along at a brisk pace, which is exciting, and it should hopefully be here by Monday.

When I was looking over the rules for godly realms, I realized that I hadn't really established the cosmology of Wandrossa. And, as usual, when I'm not sure a direction to go with the world I turn to you guys to lead the way.

As a side note, I don't think that the Fifth Edition cosmology is available through the OGL/SRD. Therefore, we will need to create our own regardless.

If you're not familiar with the godly realms rules yet, basically, when you reach Divine Rank 2 in the Gods of Wandrossa mini-game, you get a divine realm. The divine realm can either be somewhere on Wandrossa or it can be in the outer realms.

But what should those outer realms be?

I've created a few options for you to consider below. Everyone gets one vote and polling ends in 24 hours.

Interested to see what you all come up with!



For multiple outer planes would that be like: Mount Olympus, Asgard, fey plane?


Good question. It'd probably be branded differently (so as not to step on the toes of WotC).


I like the one plane for the gods, imagine players traveling in the realm of the gods. The north could be where the good reside, South where the bad go, lawful would be west. And chaotic, good. Thoughts?


Looks like everyone wants the Cosmology to be like in Fifth Edition! Haha