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Hey everybody! I'm pretty excited to announce that I spent a bunch of time yesterday working up some more rules for the upcoming Gods of Wandrossa game. I'm hoping to start it Monday and I think I'm almost where I need to be. 

First up is the actual "god class" itself, to give you an idea of how you level. I'm still making a few adjustments to it. Also, know that you start at different divine ranks depending on your current tier.

Gods of Wandrossa - The God Class 

The second part is the core engine itself, how to play the game with daily actions. While I'm trying to keep it in line with 5e as much as possible, I had to take some liberties. After all, I'll essentially be "DMing" for 137+ patrons, so I had to simplify things a bit.

What's exciting is the "Sim City" element to the game where you actually get to build and improve cities, cause conflicts, and--once you see the divine powers--create new monsters, dungeons, artifacts and more.

Gods of Wandrossa - Daily Action System 

I'm sure there will be questions, so let me know down in the comments. I'm pretty excited about all this, and judging by the spike in Patrons over the last couple days, looks like you are all, too!

Don't forget that a NEW section of map opens up once we hit 150 patrons (and probably again every 50 patrons or so), so be sure to share and get your friends excited.

Consider everything you get with being a patron:

  • You get to be a GOD in this campaign world. 
  • Everything you do is actual lore and canon for the Wandrossa campaign setting. Once I go to publish this material, your actions are recorded history.
  • Using your divine powers you get to actually create new races, monsters, artifacts, subclasses, and more.
  • PLUS everyone gets PDF copies of the material (some exclusions apply).
  • Swag is coming soon for certain tiers. Right now I'm pricing out posters, but I'm also considering making monthly token sheets. I'd like it so patrons of Electrum+ get the sheets for free. The more patrons I get, the better the swag!

Another thing to consider is that the game relies HEAVILY on working with other deities (your pantheon, maybe?), so the more friends you have playing, the more likely you are to get stuff accomplished.

Looking forward to it, folks!



So where would we be able to talk to you about setting up ourselves as gods/goddesses? Cause it says that for a backstory we should talk to you about it. Also, if we were to succeed in a conflict, then do we get 10 followers for succeeding even if there wasn't damage surplus? Also, do we get the follower increase from temples at the end of every year or just once? Sorry for all the questions, but I LOVE the direction this is going.


1) Details on that coming soon. 2) Yep. If you take an action--any action--you get 10 followers base. 3) End of every year. So you'll want temples. :)


Question, so say I'm a good of thievery, trickery, and the likes, and I decide to create a town thats say a haven of thieves, and a place with a thieves code. Would I, as a $3 a month god be able to have enough followers to create Daggerton (example name). If so, how would I go about doing that?


Good question! You can be a god of Trickery and Bandits (Theives if you like). Once you hit the 4th DR, you get to place a village for them. Plus, once the Trickery domain is created, there'll be some cool benefits to those as well.