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Since this is a crowdsourced campaign world, one thing I didn't want to do is close off any particular element of the game by limiting technology, magic, or any other flavor. What I think is interesting is that the world of Wandrossa is big enough to cover multiple types of campaign settings, much in the same way that the default Fifth Edition campaign setting (its initials are "F.R.") does. 

Keep in mind that right now we are currently looking at just a single hex of a single region of a single continent in the world of Wandrossa. There are approximately 1,500 land hexes in the world of Wandrossa. It will probably take just as many years to fully flesh out each and every element of this world at our current pace.

Therefore, I don't want to limit anything. 

The other thing that is amazing is how each region will take on its own dynamic. Already, the Blackleaf Region of Enombath is evolving into something amazing. There's an unusually high share of goblinoids, medusas, vampires, and lycanthropes in the area. The trees of the forest literally have black leaves. And the phoenixkin--the last true descendants of Enombath--believe that the world will end when the Ninth Kingdom falls.

This is just one region! Imagine how different things can be across the sea, at the Holy City of Gawli, or even on the other side of the mountain range at the center of Enombath.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.



I would love to have some sort of airship in the world, whether that be through technological breakthroughs or magical innovations or a mixture of both. I think that it would be an essential (and admittedly badass) mode of transportation. Other than that, of course everything from things like FR would still be in there, but maybe a few more advances in a couple more fields.