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This new spell comes as a request from one of the subscribers to the Forsaken Peak mailing list. It is based loosely on the mechanics of the old Silent Hill video game. Here is her description of how the spell should work:

I'm a huge Silent Hill fangirl. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the lore or any of the games/movies, but basically Silent Hill has 3 main planes of existence: fog world (everything is light gray scale, lots of fog, no enemies, spooky but mostly quiet,) regular Silent Hill (basically a ghost town, no fog, basic amounts of enemies, spooky and dangerous) and the other world (everything is rusted and industrial, darkened, almost hazy, more enemies than usual, terrifying and deadly.) I'd love a high-level spell which can create a sort of dimentional rift and create 3 versions of the "Earthly" Plane without stepping fully into the Etherial Plane, almost like looking at a 3d image without 3d glasses on.

The way I tackled this request is building it off of the way the Etherealness spell works, and then making it possible to sidestep into the Fog Realm (which is like the Ethereal Plane but without encounters) and the Shadowfell, which sounds close to the description of the other world. Think Stranger Things.

In addition, I included the spell update I'd created a while back for Duo-Dimension usable in Fifth Edition. Enjoy!



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