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Hi everyone, I hope you're all well! This is a quick update to let you know I'll be pausing payments for this month. Patrons will still be charged when they pledge but the next monthly charge will be May 1st. 

Apologies for being silent for so long but it's been really busy. I moved into a new apartment and it was much more tiring than expected! Also the stress of the move set off my shoulder injury so I physically haven't been able to draw even during the free time I've had. Most days have been spent exercising and relaxing to try and feel better, so instead of rushing at the end of the month to get a bunch of content out I'm going to keep focusing on recuperating. 

I'll probably still put out a post for suggestions later in the week for next month's poll. Other than that I plan to start posting normally again during the first week of April.

That's it for now, thanks for reading!


Matt Kulisch

Thanks for the heads-up! However, I, for one, would be more than happy to keep on paying you through a hiatus—if it will help you out. 🙏🏻


Hope your injury feels better soon!!