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In a quiet town, there lived a little boy named Little Allen. His father remarried when Little Allen was very young, bringing him a new family. This family had an older brother named James. Although his new family life began with much anticipation, Little Allen soon realized that his older brother, James, seemed to be extraordinarily cold to him.

James was not a friendly brother. He often picks on Little Allen and bullies him, making his life quite difficult. Little Allen often secretly made up his mind at night that he was not willing to passively put up with James' bullying forever. Gradually, a desire for revenge welled up in his heart, and he longed to be able to change this suffocating family atmosphere.

James' strange illness sweeps in like a sudden storm. Doctors are at their wits' end, and the only result is that James' body shrinks to the size of little Alan, and he loses all his memory. The parents, in order to take care of this suddenly weak and helpless son, put aside their business and decided to leave their home and travel to a faraway land in search of a cure.

The day before the parents left, they found a couple to take care of little Allen and James. The couple were old friends among the townspeople and had a high degree of trust. The parents pleaded with them to take care of the two children, especially with James' condition, which required extra care.

"Little Allen, you take good care of your brother, do you hear me?" Mother instructed kindly.

Little Allen nodded his head repeatedly, displaying an understanding demeanor. However, in the dead of the night, he secretly began to maneuver. He skillfully convinced the couple that the two children could take care of themselves and didn't need too much help. He also pretended that James was stable and did not need special attention.

Before long, the couple believed Little Allen's words and felt that there was really nothing serious wrong with the two children. So they began to relax their supervision of the family, and became perfunctory in their care of Little Allen's brother. And little Allen secretly rejoiced, for he knew that this was the perfect time for him to get his revenge.

It was late at night, and the only sounds in the room were the faint light and little Allen's breathing. James lay in bed, his eyes confused, as if lost in a strange world. Little Allen sat on the edge of the bed, a plan of revenge in his mind that had been quietly unfolding for a long time.

"James." Little Allen said softly, "You're actually a girl, and you're my girlfriend."

James looked up with a confused expression, "I'm a girl? I'm your girlfriend?"

Little Allen nodded and said mysteriously, "Yes. You lost your memory, but I've been waiting for you to wake up. We used to be happy lovers until an accident made you lose your memory."

James rubbed his head and tried to recall something, but everything became a blur. Seeing this, Little Allen continued to weave his story, "We had countless good times, you used to be a gentle and caring girl, and I was always there for you."

A hint of recognition gradually welled up in James' eyes as he began to believe Little Allen's words. Little Allen's heart snickered, he knew that now that James believed he was a girl, this was the first step in his revenge.

Little Allen quietly opened a drawer and took out a set of distinctive female clothing. He was determined to turn his brother James into a beautiful looking girl. First, he took a pair of delicate panties out of the drawer, the light blue lace trim making it look more feminine. Little Allen carefully laid the panties out on the bed, mentally mulling over the next steps as he did so.

Next, he found a flowing blue dress, the hem of which was embellished with delicate lace. Little Allen discreetly unfolded the dress, mentally fantasizing about how his brother would look in it.

The black pantyhose were carefully spread by Little Allen, they were delicate and shiny, adding a touch of sensuality to the whole look. Little Allen laid the pantyhose next to the dress, his mind filled with anticipation. Next came a pair of short boots, the brown leather looking especially delicate in Little Allen's hands. The little blue hat was the icing on the cake. Little Allen set it aside, his excitement about the whole project growing. Finally, he took out some makeup, foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, Little Allen had prepared an abundance of makeup for this crossdressing project, hoping to make his brother James look fabulous.

James opened his eyes and looked puzzled as he looked at the clothes and makeup neatly laid out on the bed.

"Honey." Little Allen said softly, "We're starting a new life. You're a girl and I'm your boyfriend, and we used to live happily ever after."

James nodded confusedly as Little Allen began to create a new look for him. He began by handing James the light blue lacy panties, gently explaining, "These are your panties, girls look better in panties like these."

James was a little hesitant, but obeyed Little Allen. Little Allen then helped him put on the delicate blue dress with a shapely hem, like a fairy in a fairy tale.

The black pantyhose were carefully placed on James' legs by Little Allen, pulling out a slender and charming line. Little Allen then picked that pair of fashionable short boots for him to match the overall look, making James look even more charming. A small blue hat was gently placed on James' head by Little Allen, embellishing a fresh and cute feeling. Finally, Little Allen picked up the makeup and began to do James' makeup. The foundation was gently applied on his face, the lipstick outlined his charming lips, and the eye shadow was dotted on his eye sockets, gradually outlining a pair of bright eyes. Little Allen personally brushed James' hair, letting his long hair gently fall over his shoulders.

"Now you look really pretty," Little Allen said to James with a smile, "We're going to live happily ever after, just like old times."

James looked at himself in the mirror, at the strange but beautiful girl, and little by little, he began to believe everything Little Allen said. This new identity, this new life, seemed to become a part of his heart.

Little Allen put James' black double ponytail up by hand, using a hair elastic to tie the long, silky hair into two adorable ponytails. James couldn't help but run his hands gently through his hair, feeling the difference the new hairstyle made.

"Well? Does this hairstyle suit you?" Little Allen inquired with a smile on his face.

James turned his head, confidence growing in his eyes, "Really? I think it's beautiful."

The two smiled at each other, then Little Allen took James' hand and sat on the edge of the bed. He said softly, "We're a happy pair of lovers, you're my girlfriend and I'll always be by your side."

James held Little Allen's hand tightly, feeling the warmth of the touch, as if the gesture would soothe his inner turmoil. The intimate movement between the two brought them closer together, as if a marvelous dance was unfolding.

Little Allen suddenly stroked James' cheek gently and softly said, "We'll always be together, no matter what happens."

James felt comforted, and the distance between them became even closer during this cross-dressing. The two held each other tightly, smiles blooming on their faces. Though it was all based on a lie, for the moment, their hearts seemed truly connected, as if they had found a long-lost happiness.

Little Allen and James traversed the porch of the cafe, the aroma of strong coffee filling their eyes. In the cozy atmosphere of the cafe, the two chose a quiet corner to sit down. Little Allen smiled as he ordered two cups of coffee and pushed the cups in front of James.

"It's really cozy in here, isn't it?" Little Allen said softly, picking up the coffee cups in his hands as he did so.

James nodded, showing his satisfaction with the place. The two of them were immersed in the peaceful atmosphere, and the crisp sounds coming from between the coffee cups seemed like a happy symphony.

After finishing their coffee, the two walked out of the cafe together. James suddenly saw a golden ginkgo leaf on the ground and bent down to gently pick it up.

"This leaf is so pretty." James turned his head and said to Little Allen.

Little Allen picked up the ginkgo leaf and smiled, "Ginkgo is a beautiful plant, and the color of this leaf is a sign of autumn. It symbolizes perseverance and beauty, just like us."

James smiled sweetly at that, and as they walked together, Little Allen took the opportunity to say something sweet.

"You know, I feel really happy with you. We're like this ginkgo leaf, although we'll go through storms, we'll still be beautiful and tough in the end."

James felt a wave of warmth rush over him as he listened to Little Allen's words. The conversation between them, like this ginkgo leaf, gently drifted down in each other's hearts, leaving a warm trace.

As time passed, Little Allen gradually released the hatred in his heart. In the time he spent with James, the pain he once felt seemed insignificant. They traveled through many beautiful days together and built a special and deep bond together.

One day, Little Allen sat at the window and looked out at the ginkgo trees. He felt an inner peace and relief, as if all his unhappiness had gone with the wind.

James came over and whispered, "Little Allen, look, isn't this ginkgo leaf even more beautiful?"

Little Allen turned his head and nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's gotten more beautiful, just like our lives."

The two smiled at each other and held hands as they walked towards their shared future.

"Thank you for giving me my happiness back." James held Little Allen's hand tightly with gratitude in his eyes.

"We've both been given new beginnings, and that's all that matters." Little Allen smiled in response.

In this season of drifting ginkgo leaves, their story faded away like the winds of autumn, but left a beautiful and warm memory in their hearts.



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