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Chapter Eight – Going Viral

Maddox nudged Jonathan in the ribs when he finally caught sight of Rusty walking over to them. His bestie’s face was all a smile, and it made Maddox happy to see Rusty like that since, for some time, he had appeared as if finding his way in life was taking a serious toll on him. Seeing Rusty up on that stage confirmed everything he had ever believed about his bestie; he was made for the stage, and the stage fit him like a glove.

“Hey, over here,” Maddox shouted and waved, while all the others gathered behind him and Jonathan after having scattered around for a bit after the end of the performance. “Now, who’s the biggest star in the universe?” he added and pinched Rusty’s cheek until he got a heartfelt ‘ouch’ out of his friend.

“When did you turn into such an aunt, Maddie?” Rusty asked while rubbing his cheek.

“The same moment you turned into a diva. You really had us wait a while. What were you doing? Giving autographs?”

Rusty hesitated for a moment and then smiled ear to ear. “I had to powder my nose and drink my exquisite mineral water mined by virgins from the depths of Antarctica.”

“Shut up already,” Maddox scolded him and hugged him tightly. “We sent Matty after you, so now he’s MIA. By the time we’re in full formation, it’s going to be tomorrow already.”

“Come on, you can’t complain. And why didn’t you and Hamilton here ever say anything about coming to watch my debut?”

“We wanted it to be a surprise, because you love surprises.”

“That’s true,” Rusty confirmed. “Now, let me give you all a hug,” he said and began to generously share hugs left and right since everyone wanted a piece of him. Dex had to lift Zoey up so that she could strangle Rusty for a bit while commending him on the huge success his debut had been.

“Guys, Rusty is already trending,” Zoey announced happily, showing her phone to the other people in the group. “Stunning performance. A star is born. Who’s the hunk?” she recited and at the last bit, she wiggled her eyebrows. “Matty should really watch it, now that you’re such a popular celebrity.”

“Little monkey,” Rusty said while pointing up with his right index finger, “if I were such a popular celebrity, people would know my name already and wouldn’t have to ask who I am.”

“True,” Zoey agreed. “But I don’t think the mystery surrounding your identity will last for long. How do you feel about going viral? Let me comment on all these shorts,” she added as she began to type furiously.

“Who needs PR when they have you?” Rusty took Zoey by the shoulders and placed a loud kiss on her forehead. “You’re also cheap since I’m not paying you.”

“Ha! Don’t try that stuff with me. If you ever hit millions of views, I’m coming for my paycheck.”

“Sure, sure,” Rusty agreed and returned Zoey to Dex, who patted him on the back.

“You were the man up there, Rusty,” Dex said. “You were always good at playing, but let’s be serious, you’re so much better at this than at playing ball.”

“What?” Rusty made a face. “Are you trying to say I sucked when I was on the team? How can you even know? You’re a football player.”

“I was,” Dex said, nodding shortly. “And I’ll give you that. You didn’t suck, but you weren’t that much into it. Seeing how a cat boy could so easily make you see things differently.”

“Speaking of cat boys,” Jonathan intervened, “Matty’s coming.”

Maddox wrapped his arm around his fiancé’s waist and watched as Matty shared a kiss with Rusty before acknowledging everyone. “I see that we’re all here. That means we should celebrate.”

“How about doing it all in style?” Jonathan waved his credit card with a knowing smirk. “Rusty, please take advantage of me and the fact that I’m a wealthy heir.”

“Are you sure, Hamilton? Since your naughty half believes I’m a diva, I might have you max out that little thing you’re flaunting.”

“I dare you to,” Jonathan said brightly.

Maddox punched Rusty in the arm. “Naughty half? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Rusty was prompt to reply. “Well, seeing how Hamilton has a stiff upper lip, and you have a stiff--”

Maddox covered his bestie’s mouth in an instant. “Rusty, we’re still in public. This isn’t the place to talk so freely about stiffies, okay?”

“You’re the one who said it,” Rusty protested as soon as his mouth was free again. “I merely hinted at it, and you can’t change my mind.”

“Merely, yeah,” Maddox said with a snort. “And now that my handsome and wealthy fiancé has offered, where are we going to splurge tonight?”

Rusty grinned like he knew shit, which he usually did. “I have just the place in mind.”


“I didn’t know divas ate pizzas and drank beer,” Jonathan said promptly as their order arrived. He looked Rusty in the eye and grinned, knowing that Maddox’s best friend would never take advantage of anyone, even when offered the opportunity on a silver platter. In hindsight, he should have realized that, but seeing how much Sunny Hill had given him ever since his junior year transfer, he wanted to do something for others, too.

“This one does,” Rusty confirmed happily. “And don’t worry, Hamilton. You’re still picking up the tab even though I can bet that not very many people pay with a sapphire card around here.”

“Well, I suppose that I can suffer through a low-key embarrassing moment,” Jonathan agreed. “By the way, Rusty, that was one great performance. The role fit you like a glove.”

“Totally,” Zoey and Dex agreed in unison as they began stuffing their faces.

“My mom, however,” Jonathan added, “might not be very happy that you didn’t invite her to see you shine for the first time in an official production.”

“I’m not too worried about that,” Rusty said with a dismissive wave of the hand.

“That goes to show that you don’t know her the way I do,” Jonathan pointed out. “This is my fair warning to you: don’t underestimate her. She can and will skin you alive – metaphorically speaking – for denying her the opportunity to see the fruit of her nagging labor.”

Maddox appeared to be quite astute about whatever details concerned Rusty because his following words made all the eyes at the table turn to him. “There must be a reason why our boy Rusty here is so unconcerned.”

“No reason whatsoever,” Rusty said and raised his hands in surrender, with such an innocent look on his face that Jonathan thought for a moment that Maddox might just be mistaken this time around.

Maddox, on the other hand, was convinced Rusty wasn’t telling them something because he continued, while Matty, Zoey, and Dex followed their exchange like the silent audience at a tennis match, their eyes moving from one to the other with the precision of a metronome.

“You forget that I know all your tells. Come on, out with it, Rusty. I bet you would have loved to have Francine there to watch the show. What gives?”

“I don’t have a tell,” Rusty protested. “Or more than one.”

“Defensive, I see. How about I tickle you? You know I won’t stop until I get what I want.”

Rusty groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine. She watched it all, okay? She was there. But don’t tell her I told you. She didn’t want you to know.”

“Hmm,” Jonathan murmured and looked at Maddox. “Does this mean that my mom played us all this time around? I should have known she wasn’t the type to be kept in the dark where something that interests her is concerned. Rusty, in this case. It’s great that she witnessed you climbing the first rung to glory.” He turned toward Rusty and gave him an encouraging nod. “What else did she tell you?”

“She, sort of, knows Emile, apparently.”

“Ah, we knew about that bit,” Jonathan confirmed. “Apparently, art wars or whatever those involved might want to call them, are a big thing today, even online.”

“Did she have a hand in my being chosen by this company and given the starring role?” Rusty asked, his smile partly fading from his face.

“No,” Jonathan said firmly. “She is still fairly pissed at you for not following her direction and going for a bigger stage from the get-go. Trust me, while she might be a slave driver as far as her interests are concerned and she believes that someone can achieve greatness, she wouldn’t go this far as to sabotage your efforts to get ahead on your own.”

“I’ll take your word for it, Hamilton,” Rusty warned him, pointing a pizza slice at him. “Because I trust Francine, but she’s a mom, and parents can have weird behaviors.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Jonathan agreed.

“Wait, is it because of Francine that you were late to meet us?” Matty intervened at that point in the conversation.

“Yeah. She came to see me. Told me I was great. All that jazz,” Rusty confirmed and leaned back in his chair so that he could puff out his chest. “Your mom’s really amazing, Johnny boy.”

“You say that because you haven’t been in her clutches for long,” Jonathan said with a smile. “When she tortures you during summer breaks, year after year, to learn French, come back to me and tell me again how wonderful she is.”

“I could use some French lessons,” Rusty said right away. “I could use learning other languages, as well. It goes with the territory in the kind of business I’m in.”

“Rusty, the accomplished one.” Maddox shook his head. “When we thought we’d have to drag you through intensive tutoring to help you pass all your exams in college.”

“But you did that. You helped me get a tutor,” Rusty said and took Matty by the shoulders. “The awesomest tutor in the known universe.”

“And I’m certain he taught you a great number of good things,” Jonathan said and winked.

“What was that all about?” Rusty asked. “Did you just wink at my fiancé, Hamilton?”

“And if I did?” Jonathan teased him in turn.

Rusty was about to reply when his phone went off. He checked the caller id quickly and his face changed. “Guys, I need to get this. Sorry, but I have to step out for a couple of minutes.”


He could have just taken the call in front of his friends, but he didn’t know why his father was calling. There could be many different reasons, the most absurd he could think of being that his dad wanted to congratulate him on his debut in the world of opera. But that couldn’t be, since his dad had absolutely no clue about it, and he hadn’t bothered to extend an official invitation, either.

Other reasons were more his concern. Such as receiving news about his mom. Bad news.

He braced himself as he stepped outside and found a quiet corner so he could speak. “Hi, dad,” he said, his throat dry and tight.

“Rusty,” Roy said in his usual non-committal tone. “I’m calling you about your mom.”

His heart sank. “What happened? When?”

“It’s nothing bad. She’s awake. And she wants to see you.”

“Sure, of course,” he said quickly as his heart filled with relief. “Tonight, I guess, it’s too late--”

“The doctors say that she’s well enough. You can visit her tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that. Did you talk to her?”

“No, only with the nurse on the phone. Her physical condition is quite good.”

“That’s great,” Rusty said and waited, as silence stretched between them. What else was he expecting? He was about to end the conversation when his dad spoke again.

“Gabriel and Anna showed me a short clip on the Internet.”

“What about?”


“From the performance? I had my debut today,” Rusty said, although his voice wasn’t as full of pride as it normally would have been.

“Yes. You seem to know what you are doing. There are many likes on that video, they showed me. I don’t know what that means to you, but I wish you good luck. Or is that a no-no?”

“That’s in theater,” Rusty responded, his words getting slower as he said them. This reluctant acknowledgement from his dad was so surprising that he found it difficult to talk.

“You know better, son. Come see your brother and sister once in a while. As long as your job allows it.” Roy’s words came out choppy and unsure. Maybe he didn’t know how to deal with something like this, either. Only then it crossed Rusty’s mind that whatever his dad was feeling now, it was new to him, too.

“Yeah. I’ll do that.”

He remembered that he should have asked his dad if he was coming to the wedding minutes after ending the call. He was still busy processing the fact that his mom was awake and he would get to see her soon. There was so much to tell her, about Matty, the wedding, his budding career as an opera singer. And his dad would come to the wedding if he wanted to, after all. Unless his invitation got lost in the mail, he’d have no excuse not to attend.

Rusty didn’t want to rush things anymore or wish for them in vain. For now, he had news to share with Matty and his friends.


Matty couldn’t hide that he was worried by the phone call Rusty had just received.

“How is his mom?” Jonathan asked courteously.

“Yeah, did you guys get any news recently?” Dex joined in.

“No, as far as we know, her condition has been stable, but unchanged,” Matty explained. “I really hope nothing bad happened,” he let some of his anxiety show.

“We’ll know soon,” Dex offered. “Let’s not jump to conclusions before we know anything.”

“And we’re all here for you, no matter what,” Zoey added and reached over to touch his hand.

“There can be other reasons behind that call,” Jonathan said as encouragement. “Maybe Rusty is already facing a wave of offers from the biggest opera houses in the world.”

“If that’s the case, he deserves it, although he might not see it that way,” Maddox added. “The Rusty I know won’t accept a gift like that without examining its dentition to the last molar.”

Matty smiled. He felt a little better, knowing that there were so many friends surrounding him and Rusty. “Yes, he’s that serious about his career and getting ahead the way he chooses.” To take his mind a little off the worries triggered by the call, he turned toward Zoey. “How’s that viral short going?”

Zoey stared into her phone. “No sign of slowing down. Of course, it helps a lot that Rusty’s so good-looking. Ha, here’s something that should interest you, Matty. A lot of girls are asking if Rusty is single and if anyone knows his relationship status. Let me put all that to rest,” she added as she began typing again. “My good people,” she said out loud as she concocted her comment, “Rusty – soon to be Rusty Han – is getting married this fall to a wonderful guy. Sorry to burst your bubble, girlfriends.” She placed her phone on the table, face down, with a satisfied look on her face. “There. Now they’ll know--”

Zoey’s phone buzzed. She grabbed it and stared at it. “O. M. G., so many notifications already. What? They don’t believe me? How dare they--”

Her righteous anger was cut short by Rusty returning to the table. Matty forgot all about Rusty’s viral video in an instant. “What is it? Is it about your mom?”

Rusty nodded. “Yeah. And it’s good news. She’s awake.”

A sigh of relief made a round through all the people at the table. Matty hugged Rusty fiercely for a brief moment. “That’s amazing news. When can we see her?”

“Tomorrow is fine, since it’s already late, and we should get there during visiting hours. My dad also said that her condition is good, so there’s no hurry. Although I feel like I want to go right now, if you’re asking me.”

“We’re so glad for you, Rusty,” Maddox said. “Are you going to introduce Matty to her?”

“That’s the first thing on my list,” Rusty replied. “Also, I can’t believe it, but I think my dad has just come to terms with the fact that I’m going to be an opera singer.”

“For real? How come?” Zoey asked, her eyes big as saucers. “Don’t tell me. He disguised himself and was in the audience, cheering you on incognito.”

Rusty laughed. “When the day comes that my dad does something like that, I’ll eat a hat. With a feather. A peacock feather. No, but my little brother and sister saw the viral video. Why they saw it so fast, I have no idea, so don’t ask me.”

Zoey nodded in satisfaction. “It’s really helpful to become viral in this day and age.”

“Tell me more, oh, wise one,” Rusty teased her.

“What I can tell you,” she said, “is that these guys online are like super freaks. I told them you’re getting married this fall, and I’ve been called all kinds of nasty names – all being synonyms of liar – for the last five minutes.”

“Then I will share that burden, Zoey,” Matty said. “I’m going to comment, too. I don’t mind being called a liar since I know the truth.”

Rusty intervened right away. “Let’s put all the gossip to rest if that’s the case. Matty, come here, and guys, you too. Let’s take a selfie that’s going to blow all the speculations out of the water.”

Matty was all smiles as Rusty took the picture while kissing his cheek.

“Let’s see now,” he said with over-the-top excitement as soon as he posted his comment, along with their selfie.

Rusty burst into laughter as he looked at him while he started reading the incoming comments.

“Oh, gawd,” Matty moaned, “these people are wild. No, I didn’t do any voodoo magic. No, I’m not the eighth BTS member. No, I am not into open-marriage stuff. No--”

He had to stop as Rusty took the phone away from him before he collapsed under the weight of internet drama. And he had nothing to add, because Rusty kissed him until he melted.


Next chapter 

Author's note: And I'm back, dear friends! I hope you had a great holiday season! This series will have a few more chapters at best, and then we'll get to Jamie's story :)


Krystaline Faithe

Phew!!! So pleased that Rusty’s mother is awake again! I’d been wondering about that. Also, I’m very much looking forward to Jamie’s story! ☺️Thank you so much for this installment & I hope you had a great holiday season as well!


I am glad that Rusty’s mother has awakened. She will be in for a shock. Her son is a star and will be marrying soon. I am awaiting the shock of Rusty Han vs Rusty Parker to Roy. I am salivating at the meltdown. In spite of his multiple roadblocks, Rusty persevered. Rusty Han still sounds like a pornstar name fitting for Grindr by the way, lol. Is it Jamie’s story or Grindr? Hopefully, Grindr will act Xpress like. 🤭

Laura S. Fox

Ha-ha, as I know you, you're not giving up... no problem! Grindr will have a place in Jamie's story, for sure, and Xpress, as well. Roy will have to deal with Rusty taking Matty's name, and let's see if Rusty Han is going to be even a more viral sensation than Rusty Parker!