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I hope your Christmas was amazing. I spent quite a bit of mine getting this video over the finish line so I hope you can enjoy it at some point!  I understand that it's long, but I felt like this video NEEDED to be made. The Saturn V, explained from someone who helped build it. 

Luke Talley is an amazing person, and I was honored to be able to meet him at the US Space and Rocket Center early one morning to hear the story straight form the horses mouth.  

Main channel video: https://youtu.be/1nLHIM2IPRY

Longer Second Channel Video: https://youtu.be/cUkbdqw9pBk

Thank you so much for supporting on Patreon.  I spent Christmas finishing this video up, hoping it would be ready this morning.  I'm trying to avoid making the overly-sensational content that the algorithm demands.  Thanks for enabling me to make the content I think will truly make the world better. 





Keep exploring at https://brilliant.org/smarter Get started for free, and hurry—the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription 2nd Channel Longer interview with Luke Talley: https://youtu.be/cUkbdqw9pBk Luke Talley is a Docent Emeritus at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. https://rocketcenter.com/ I like to make videos that I think are valuable. If you'd like to consider supporting on Patreon to help me continue to be values driven instead of algorithmically driven, here's that link: https://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday ⇊ Click below for more links! ⇊ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GET SMARTER SECTION Many of the images in this video are taken from the "Saturn V Flight manual" https://history.nasa.gov/afj/ap12fj/pdf/a12_sa507-flightmanual.pdf "F-1 Engine Familiarization Training Manual" https://web.archive.org/web/20150509173846/http://agentdc.uah.edu/homepages/dcfiles/USSRC/F1EngiFamiTraiManu%20Section%201_072308152849.pdf This Document is AMAZING: "Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle Selected Structural Element Review Report, AS-503" https://web.archive.org/web/20110120213410/http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19690073000_1969073000.pdf In 2018, Marshall Space Flight Center uploaded a ton of really cool old "Saturn V Quarterly Updates". Watching these videos really helped me understand the scale of the Apollo program. What our ancestors did was absolutely amazing. Here is one of those videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGtU3vnNeEk Go to the MSFC YouTube channel, scroll back to 2018 and watch those Archival films. They are amazing, even from a film production standpoint. https://www.youtube.com/@NASAMarshall This page jumpstarted my research: http://heroicrelics.org/info/s-ic/s-ic-general.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tweet Ideas to me at: http://twitter.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SmarterEveryDay Smarter Every Day on Patreon http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day On Instagram http://www.instagram.com/smartereveryday Smarter Every Day SubReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/smartereveryday Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery https://www.ashellinthepit.com/ http://ashellinthepit.bandcamp.com/ If you feel like this video was worth your time and added value to your life, please SHARE THE VIDEO! If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars Smarter Every Day by becoming a Patron. http://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday Warm Regards, Destin



As a former SpaceX Merlin MVac propulsion technician it was really fascinating to be able to compare how far we have come in all these years, and how much talent and hard word went into the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs… Thanks Destin!


Video stability note: Please don't shake the pictures you are holding in your hand that you want us to look at. X-)

Leroy Johnson

This was one of my absolute favorite videos, just the depth of knowledge, the coolness and thoughtfulness of the technology, everything. Well done.

Luke Hileman

Take a nice new years with your family.


Just wanted to chip in with another thank you. My main YouTube fodder is rockets - I hadn’t realised that you had a bunch of Saturn V videos. So my weekend is well and truly made! Luke is absolutely wonderful to listen too.


Hey Destin, this is a great video. It really solidified my intention to support you on Patreon, so that you get to create more of these videos. As someone who edits YouTube videos, I know how much time needs to be spent on making these long videos. So I just wanted to chip in a lil bit.


Destin, I respect you deeply and look up to you a *ton* - THANK YOU for what you do, and the immense respect you provide everyone in your videos (and presumably/hopefully your real life as well)! That is the decorum we should all strive for! I'm a senior electrical engineer at one of those big bay area companies you've heard of, and your videos are both super enjoyable to me, and truly enjoyable to "normies" my age (30s) who have no engineering background but are smart and curious and open minded - that is so beautiful my dude. I even moreso love sharing these videos with my younger cousins who are still in school, it ignites a spark in them and they are always asking side questions:) Thanks for helping to inspire a generation man, you and others like you, are to that generation, what "mythbusters" was to me, but with even more science and less (no?) establishment entertainment people dumbing things down. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy new year! Peace, Love, & Science <3 -Aldy


This is great. I smiled through the bit about Luke's career at IBM. My dad started with big blue when he was 16 in the late 60s and had a 40+ year career there, retiring as CTO -- it's amazing to consider the changes in technology over that time. You better bet he has some stories! Thanks for sharing your interview with this absolute expert, Destin.


This is a great interview, thank you for making it and for letting Mr. Talley tell these stories. So fascinating!

Austin Burnham

I finally got to visit that museum a year ago. I stayed almost the entire day and my wife had to pull me out of there so we wouldn’t be late to something we had scheduled. This interview was so enjoyable to listen to! I learned to much. The Saturn V is an amazing engineering creation. I’m glad to support content like this. Destin, you’re coming up on a whole decade of being on Patreon. How time flies! I think it would be neat to have a livestream or something for those of us who have been supporting here since the beginning. Definitely no pressure, but I’ll throw the idea out in case you’re interested!


I got to visit the USSRC today and meet Luke. It wasn’t busy so he spent a good deal of time with me and my brother. I’m great full for people like him who continue to volunteer and pass a long their first hand stories of their experiences.


Thank you for great content as always!