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Thank you very much for supporting Smarter Every Day on Patreon.  You'll notice this is the second video in a row that is 100% PATRON SUPPORTED.  I'm starting to thing strategically about how I make content, and I've decided to do things I'm genuinely interested in, and that's only possible because of your support.  Thank you!  

Oh!  Please make sure your address is in the system so I can get you your sticker!

I'm truly grateful for your support,






Excellent as always. Big anticipation of the Rescue Swimmer training episode. Thanks. Go Army.


Their special skill reminded me of firefighters being great cooks. Gotta stay busy between calls!

John Cox

Request in the YouTube comments, by "wil milam": "Great video. Have a request if possible. I am a retired Rescue Swimmer and in your video you have a swimmer on an iceberg. I am that swimmer. I have still photos of that flight but was not aware there was a video. Was wondering if there was a way to get a copy of that video or where you got it. Thanks again. Appreciate your time." Hopefully this will catch your notice!

Fred S

Great job Destin.


Thank-you! Would still love to see a sticker from this series.


We trash on the CG a lot in the Army (brotherly teasing). It's nice to be reminded that these guys are as elite as the other branches and I would say do a lot more directly for civilians.


This video and the Submarine video series convinced me to support you.

Andrew Ferguson

How would the video have been different if you had a sponsor?

Dan Robinson

Hey. Love the Chanel and the supersonic air canon. Baseball sized ice or dry ice balls, maybe partially frozen ooblek…. Shooting at ooblek. A different thing, could be the science of data centers… thermal management, backup power, fire suppression, and sensing tech…. It’s way more than just servers and wires

Mike O'Dell

The USCG does more with less than any other of the major services. People only appreciate the when rue USCG bails them out of a near-death situation. Whether it’s a rescue swimmer jumping 100 feet into 20-foot seas to rescue a boatful of people who shouldn’t have gone out in the first place, to the USCG taking command of the Katrina disaster, or the massive well platform fire in the Gulf, or flying a hurricane hunter aircraft through the heart of a Cat5 hurricane to get data that saves lives, the men and women of the USCG routinely perform tasks the are literally inconceivable by most people. Learn about them this Holyday Season and thank them for looking after you even it you can’t see them.