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Hey guys!  This is a Patreon Preview of a Podcast I'm about to start with my friend Matt.  I'm a science guy in the deep south, Matt is a humanities guy in the wild west.  We both see the world from different angles, but there's also a lot we agree on (being good Dads for one).  We often talk to each other on my drive home and the conversation is always really fun, so we thought we'd turn on some microphones and do the same thing in podcast form.  We're calling it "No Dumb Questions".   We would LOVE to get your feedback on the first episode:

Episode 1: "What makes a good YouTube video?"

This isn't public in any form yet... so if you're a podcast listener we'd love to hear what you have to say!  Email any feedback you may have to the email address we mention at the end of the show.  I hope you enjoy!! 


As always, thank you very much for supporting my crazy adventures.  You make all this possible.




(No title)



Thanks Destin. I'm a big podcast listener and I'll give this a go on my commute. My current favourite is Hello Internet with CGP Grey and Brady so got good experiences of podcasts by YouTubers. I'm sure yours will be equally as entertaining ;) The '2 guys talking' genre usually works well too. I'll leave a comment once I've listened.


Are you just talking about any topics on this podcast or do you have more of a theme?


I'm 13 minutes in. I would definatly subscribe to this podcast. Sounds interesting :D


Just finished it. I would definitely subscribe. I'll be looking forward to the next one. Much respect, Destin!


I literally just sent you an e-mail and thought of more things to add. I really liked the topic. I liked how you questioned each other to pull out a little more information. I enjoyed that you had revelations on air trying to figure out why you started your videos certain ways and talked about your progress. I think you showed the rarely shown side of trying to figure out how to be a YouTuber. I truly enjoyed it and look forward to more.

Matthew J Palka

I am definitely in for subscribing! Email sent as well.


This is the perfect longform for you!


I think this is going to be great!


I don't have very much experience with podcasts, but I really enjoyed listening. This will definitely have my subscription.


I love smart YouTubers doing podcasts, like Dear Hank and John and Hello Internet. Episode was great and definitely look forward to more!.


I enjoyed it quite a bit! And I think that the balance of going off on rabbit trails and staying on topic was good. Right about when I was starting to think, "ugg what is this baseball stuff..." you brought it back... but it felt natural enough so that it felt like two dudes talking.


Loved the topic, loved the personalities. I'd be more likely to listen to a shorter podcast (30 minutes is my sweet spot for podcasts). Additionally, I'd love to see you two highlight more the humanities/science comparison. YouTube has a strong ecosystem for science videos, but a more nascent community of those in the humanities. I wonder what creators like Matt could learn from the science educators to help create the learning communities that have blossomed on YouTube so well for the STEM fields.


Good Podcast. I agree that 30 to 45 minutes is the sweet spot. I enjoyed the conversation with just enough tangents but not too far into the weeds. I think a good mix of preparation but still had the conversation for the first time while recording. Great work!

Martin Long

I enjoyed the podcast, there seems to be a good dynamic between you two and I learned a few things too :)


So excited for this! I was just thinking the other day "I wish Destin had a podcast, but he probably doesn't have the time". Haven't listened to it yet, but I'm sure it'll be great!


Good stuff. I'd also like to put forward the following suggestion for your second channel: "Seizing Every Day"


Love it. It'll be an instant add to my podcast queue.


I liked it! I hope you do some more.

Daniel Ryan

When's the next one coming out? Loved it!


Let's get another one of these Destin!