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Hey guys...  I just launched a NEW CHANNEL.  I've been working on this in secret for 3 years.  I hope you love it!  Stuff has already been filmed all over the world and will be released more frequently than SED.  I would LOVE to get your feedback.  Feel free to tell the ones you think deserve to be in on this early!  I haven't made it public on social media yet because I wanted to build a community of awesome people first before I blast it out.  

What do you think!?  Here's al ink to share it on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1SGBTiw (but I've only sent it to you guys at this point)


The Sound Traveler - Lincoln Memorial

Hey it's me Destin from Smarter Every Day. This is the first video for a new concept, called "The Sound Traveler". Please subscribe for new sound travels from all over the world!!



Wow! Super cool project. 📹🎧 This is why you, Destin, are one of my favorite YouTubers. Never stop the good work. 💯


Love the project! Amazing job, SUBSCRIBED!


Hey brother, love your work. Don't have time to be extra flowery in speech. This won't be something that makes me giggle with joy like so many of the SED vids have.


This is a seriously awesome idea Destin! I like to think that people in 20 or more years will look at videos like this and be amazed about the culture of the time, similarly to how I look at this video: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT4lDU-QLUY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT4lDU-QLUY</a> The binaural audio however conveys a whole new dimension of feeling for the place. When I closed my eyes it felt like I really was there! Keep rocking Destin!

Timur Sultanov

Nice idea, but somewhat time consuming...


I really like it!! Have you looked into shooting in 360 degree video? This project is almost begging for it! But I am sure that would require a new level of resources.


This more of an experience thing. I like it, it's perfect for relaxing.


Visiting other places is great. It looks like you have filmed at several interesting locations. I only viewed the Lincoln Memorial post. Not everyone is familiar with the Lincoln Memorial or even who was Abraham Lincoln. It seems this would be more educational and enjoyable if the video included an introduction. This information could include 1. Who was Abraham Lincoln? 2. Where is the Lincoln Memorial? When was it built and by whom? 3. Who was the sculptor of the seated Lincoln and a little about the possible meaning of the pose? 4. What is the text reproduced inside the Lincoln Memorial? 5. What other historical events took place at the Lincoln Memorial?


This is a fantastic idea! The Machu Picchu video was such a cool project. Glad to see you were inspired to do more along these lines. I'll be watching... uh, listening. :-)

Austin Burnham

This is a cool idea. The audio quality is great!


Wow, guess you could say shit just got (a bit more) real :P… But you need to make it VR. How cool would that be?


This is really awesome! Destin, now with 360 video (I realize you started filming before they announced it) do you plan to film future episodes in that format?

Martin Long

Very interesting, its amazing how immersive it is.


enjoyable! one vote for the 360video also. One small issue about capturing people's conversations and likeness and then publishing them without written consent, though. There are also small 3-axis video stabilizers which would help.


Awesome, it's just awesome!!


+1 for camera stabilizer. Otherwise, I like the idea.


very interesting. though i think some video stabilization would be good. i donno if you opted not to do that because either 1) you didn't have a stabilizer or 2) the shakiness was part of the charm of the thing.


360 video would only properly work if the audio panned to match the screen direction. Not sure you can do that on YouTube. Loved this video, only problem was mic bumps, and also the foot steps resonate with the mic diaphragms and put in a thumping effect that can be heard on good headphones. You could probably get rid of it with a high pass filter set to about 150-200Hz


It's like a zeitgeist time capsule. It's one thing to see pictures of the Eiffel Tower from 1914, but imagine if we could walk around it then? Good point!


...aaand 3, 2, 1... photobomb! xD I like the idea but it would've been better to do this at a more quiet time of the day when there are less people blocking the view (or trying to talk to you, or trying to take pictures). Also the outer hallway with the columns isn't really that interesting so planning a better route is something I would also suggest (e.g. In this case to walk on the outside of the columns so we can see the surroundings more). I realize that you're probably dealing with time constraints so despite my complaints you're getting a big thumbs up from me and I look forward to seeing more of this!


best of luck... please do combine it with VR... I know there would be some engineering challenges to the audio portion, but I think it could help the immersion so much. this could be amazing for folks who can't travel whether they are handicapped or just financially or physically unable to get to these places. Also, until you do get to 360 video and VR, we have to get this guy one of those fancy stabilized cameras. The jerkiness takes away from the audio immersion. Best of luck Destin, this could turn out to be a really great resource. Can't wait to see the Grand Canyon :)


I *love* the videos you make (you inspired me to create my own channel 2.5 years ago), but I have to admit that even though I like the quality result of it, I don't think I will be the audience for it. It is just not the kind of content I'm looking for on the web. But I'll follow this channel and I'm open to be contradicted. Best of luck Destin, keep pushing it!


I've decided not to try to "produce" an experience. Part of the feeling of being there is the unpredictability and real-ness if it all. There's one coming up where I'm the Sound Traveler and someone interrupts me to ask me if I'm Destin. I feel like I should keep that because it really happened. Thoughts?


I totally understand. It's something I personally enjoy so I'm doing it. The exact same reason I started Smarter Every Day to begin with. I feel like if my motives are pure only good can come from it.


I don't want it to be over produced. That's the thought right now. Emphasizing personal engagement over production b


I'm curious what the situation is for recording so many people, even in a public place, if it's to be monetized. I've never really known where the line is drawn between when releases need to be signed vs when they're not.


This is a great idea, there is a huge niche for this no one else produces binaural content on a regular basis.


Mazel tov on the new project. I love soundscapes and this series looks, sounds, to be a great one. I would love to hear/see the less often covered places, like a climb up Mt Everest complete with the sound of CGP kvetching and Brady egging him on:)-

Matthew J Palka

Awesome, Destin! Not sure how the audio would work if used with a 360 camera. I can see how audio bumps would happens with footsteps and the jerkiness, but it did make it feel like I was more there since it wasn't so smooth. Do we know what the noise was at 4:21? Also, do you plan on an average time length for each video? What I love about this idea is seeing people in life not affected by the presence of a camera. I'm always fascinated by that.


Really interesting idea. For me, personally, people-watching is a huge part of my enjoyment of sight-seeing anywhere I travel. For that reason, I actually love the sound of passing conversations and how crowded it is during your "tour." Since I've been to the Lincoln Memorial several times already it was hard for me to gage the experience as a way to discover a place that I might never see. I will have to check out some of your other locations for that. Hilariously, my son took a school trip to DC in March so I found myself looking for him and his classmates on the video! (I didn't see them). Maybe let us know the date the Sound Traveler footage was shot on each video? Though that might make it more of a day-in-the-life of a place, instead of a more universal experience. Anyway, subscribed!


This is an awesome idea. And it could be even better with a 3D camera. Thanks Destin!


This is brilliant. Personally, I hate 3D cameras because you miss so much of the action. Sound, though, conveys it all.


Nice idea but not sure if it will take off. I was looking to see more because I wasn't quite convinced but it seems there's only one video uploaded for now and the links at the end don't work properly.


Awesome idea! I was really craving some interactivity and information though , maybe as video overlays or a tour guide along the way. It would've also been great to know/see Briley!


Oh I just love this idea!


Really neat idea! Keep up the good work!


Oh man this is great! It would be cool if you filmed your upcoming stuff with a 360 camera so we can look around also!


Very engaging. I liked how immersive it was. I wanted to learn more, such as be able to read the words on the walls in the Lincoln Memorial, but I also didn't want to be distracted from the experience. Perhaps just a few key links to related content in the description would suffice.


Excellent mate. Love it.


I'm actually in tears. Travelling in my wheelchair can be restrictive sometimes and we don't often get everywhere we want to go. We've visited America a few times but we tend to stick to places like Orlando as it's the most relaxing place when you're in a chair. We've always wanted to do Washington, we're planning it for when my other half retires so we can go for several weeks. Watching some videos of places we haven't been too is often a poor experience, but this... wow. My words fail. Not only because of the sound (which really really made me feel there), but because of the walking around. Not too fast so motion sickness wasn't a problem (though I would take my time more slowly or maybe some links on the video to still photos so we could read the words on the walls), that experience of having to get around people and watching others pull poses (that's half the fun of going places!), going down the steps (for a second my heart sped up as my instinct was "steps are bad, must put on brakes") I never get to go down steps, which means you can miss out on little things. Seriously the steps really had me choked up, with my room lights down and the video full screen and the 3d sound, I actually felt like I was going up and down steps! As someone who spends a lot of her life at home relying on others to see the outside this was amazing. I can't thank you enough. I can't wait to see more, it will be helpful for planning where we want to go. My world just got a little bit bigger.


It's Really cool... How much is 360 camera?


Wow, you sure know how to squeeze content out of everything you do! :) Can't believe you've been working on this for so long! This is a fantastic idea, Destin, considering how much of a niche market this apparently is. Perhaps you could make two versions each: one with an audio commentary/tour guide and another with just pure binaural goodness. Keep up the good work!


Destin, I can do Sydney Opera House, if you need me =)


I love this! I really loved the Machu Piccu video and it made me think how popular this type of stuff will be once VR becomes more mainstream. And I won't be traveling anywhere far away anytime soon so this is a great substitute.


@Destin Sorry for such a negative comment. I felt like a bit of a jerk (I swear I am not and didn't mean to be :) ) but I thought I would give some honest feedback. To be fair, I didn't use headphones either


This is _amazing_. It brought tears to my eyes. How did you do that? Thank you.


Slightly more detail: 1) Briley (sp?) did a fantastic job, I think. The temptation to look around is so strong, but that would have made it really disorienting, and the path we walked was well-thought-out and well-executed. The little interactions with people made it seem real in a way that I think approaches the experience of VR. 2) I've been to this memorial before, and this experience really fit well with my memory of it. It gave such a true-to-life experience... I'm speechless. 3) The experience of being transported -- I had no idea what the heck you were up to when it started up, but I just went with it... and a minute later I was in tears. Seriously, I had no idea you could even do that with such a simple trick. I feel like you're an interactive magician or something. :) 4) The timing on this one was really, really great, wasn't it? :) Like, the plane at the end, the way the lady said "This is where Martin Luther King stood" right as she was coming up to the flagstone... I'm guessing you started with this one because AWESOME. Amirite? Thanks. Super-happy to be your supporter, and glad to know you are out there trying to make the world a better place. You da man, Destin. :)


Thanks for sharing. Not as interesting to me as your SED videos.


Thank you so much! It is wonderful! I shared with my friends on FB!

Leo G.

I'm pretty sure I have a Facebook _account_...


Very interesting to hear the sights and sounds of a place like the Lincoln Memorial, I just visited my first time recently, and was amazed how loud it is on the outside, but when you step foot inside the echoes of silence. You were there on a much busier day than I was, but I was still able to perceive this experience through the video. Sight, Vision and Touch are the three things that truly make an experience, I thought it was cool to see her touch the pillars. Vision however was missing, just like the sound changes, so does your eyes 'aperture' outside on a sunny day you can see Lincoln, but once you step inside the details of the building come to life, I wasn't able to have this experience through this video (an almost impossible feat to capture with today's cameras). Towards the end of the video when she is looking towards the GW monument, you can't quite see it with the camera, nothing she did wrong, however, the camera couldn't compensate the exposure the same as being there - this does detract from the experience. I work in a field of a secondary sense (touch) and just like touch, audio only becomes important after vision. I feel like this is the case here, this audio experience paired with the best visuals possible would make for a stellar experience. Perhaps with a 360 camera, so the viewer could control looking at the steps while walking down or looking at lincoln. Or, if instead of recorded video, you simply recording the audio and embedded it within google earth/street view, to give the best camera footage this could be really cool. Overall, great job - excited to see where this will continue. Thanks for sharing


I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing! As others have stated there's a ton of potential here through the lens of VR. I'm sure a good 360 video and audio solution means very expensive equipment on your end, and the tech is still in its infancy on the consumer side too, but I'm excited to see where this could lead. That said, one nice thing about the current format as opposed to 360 video is that there's a certain intimacy with the silent tour guide (Briley in this case) . Her choices of where to look and how to move made the experience more personal. For the same reason I liked the fact that there was no narration over the video. Briley did a good job keeping camera movements limited and meaningful, but if your equipment would support uploading the video at 60 FPS I think that would help the viewer track with panning shots. Keep up the great work Destin!


Cool project. Subscribed! 3 thoughts: Annotations with high-res photos of plaques/inscriptions would be nice. I don't notice 'camera shake' when walking IRL...I think a 3 axis gimbal set to follow mode could go help add to the immersion. And there is more low rumble in this audio than I remember from Machupicchu, it made me feel like I had a head cold...a high pass filter, or reduction in the low shelf EQ could help. Cheers!


Love it. However, I'm not sure I agree with making this patreon exclusive. I understand you want to make it more attractive for people to support you on patreon while at the same time showing appreciation for the people that already do by providing exclusive content. However, for me, the idea behind "getting smarter every day" is a universal message that should be free for everybody. I support you and others on patreon exactly because I have the means to do so and find it important that people who don't also get access to your content as it's so great. Something to think about? Except for this minor critique, keep it up, I love what your doing! Edit: rereading your initial post I realized you're not making this exclusive for patreon supporters, you're just giving us an exclusive preview. I feel stupid now :D keep it up!


Now just add VR camera, and your personal insights (i.e. guided tour). With google cardboard being so inexpensive now, this could help many people experience places they could not otherwise travel. But the biggest thing viewers like myself appreciate in your videos is you. You are the thing that makes your videos special. Anyone can do a walking tour, or a science video. However, not everyone can do it with the care, compassion, and interesting insights you bring to the game.