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The Skepticon folks uploaded the talk.  It wasn't an attempt to convince anyone of anything.  It was simply an attempt to get people to interact peaceably.  I thought going to a place where pretty much everyone disagrees with me might be a good place to prove that we can all get along.  There were a lot of high fives at the end!


Science, Faith and the Internet - Destin Sandlin - Skepticon 8

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Indeed, well done. Thank you for


Killed it. Great job!


Everyone needs to see this talk. Our government DESPERATELY needs to see this talk. Awesome job, Mr Sandlin!!

Matt L

Wow, that was really awesome and thought provoking. I kind of assumed that your videos had a bit of post-production polish behind them, but you're actually a really great speaker. /highfive


So, can you ride a regular bike yet? Can you train your brain to "click" from one mode to the other?

Jim Battle

Destin, you said you were just going to wing what you said, but it worked well. You were winning, as always. One of the few things that I didn't like about your talk was that it seemed pretty defensive; you were trying to explain how you could be a Christian to people who you think can't understand it. At one point you mention that 1% of the 1% of the people who watch your videos come out with knives, and it seems like you are giving them way too much weight in your conception of what atheism is about. Don't forget that most of us (in the US at least) have come from a Christian background, and most of us love and are loved by Christian family members. Although I have different beliefs than some of my family members, they are not at all alien to me. If you really did think you were walking into a den of lions, then all the more kudos to you for your bravery. But I'm sure there were a lot more pussycats there than lions. Keep up the great work.


There ya go again Destin. I learned some new things today. I'm a Christian too. Within my system of beliefs, I think the Big Bang was one of God's neatest experiments, it even supports evolutionary theory. Yes .... I'm filtering now.


Fantastically done. Couldn't agree with you more if I tried, individuality is what makes us stronger. And that backwards bike is an awesome creation, your friends is an evil genius! You have to let us know when you are able to ride a forwards bike again. On a side note as someone in a wheelchair the fact that you adapted to backwards bike goes to show how people can adapt with disability. Actually a great concept to show how our brains can be rewired if we need them to.


Brilliant as per usual Destin. You are probably the most balanced (pun coincidental) speaker when it comes down to faith and science, being a Christian myself I couldn't agree more, it's about working together to seek out truth.


I've seen your reversed bike video before but never thought of the analogy with cognitive bias and religious believes. THANK YOU for this intelligent message of peace and tolerance.


I seriously love getting your videos every week! Every time I see you speak I say to myself I want to be like this man when I grow up. I am 24 years old serving in the Marines and still I call myself a kid. You inspire me so much! I have recently joined a MakerSpace and am hoping to make this a reality. I love seeing you with your family, every time I do it makes me think I want to raise my children like this someday. You are a great influence on the world I only pray I will be able to meet you someday. Love you man!


Great talk Destin! I must admit that when you started talking about that you where a christian, my heart sank a bit. I'm sorry, it's shouldn't be an issue and it really isn't. It's just that living in a very secular Sweden my preconception of people with christian belief is a but off. They are not that common over here. I will try to learn to ride the bike both ways. You really got me going. Thanks!


You're from Alabama?!... Well done Destin. You are a man of integrity and humility. I'm very careful about who my two little boys look up to, especially in TV and internet land. We really enjoy your videos. You did a very good job at communicating. Whether intentional or not, you are helping a young generation to learn and love more than just science , thank you for that. -Pete Co:3 12-15


Amazing metaphors. You are wise beyond years, and I'm proud of how you represented faith in Jesus at that event. Cheers from TX!


Really well done. As a scientist myself (I have a Ph.D. in biochemistry) and a Christian, I appreciated your quantification of your "threshold of belief". That is not something I had thought about quantifying before, and I like the notion. This was on par with many of the excellent TED talks I have seen, good on you!


Great talk! Any luck trying to ride the bike both ways? My first thought is maybe try it one handed, with a different hand for each of the types of bike.


Inspirational in a way that I didn't expect when I clicked play. Great job, Destin. Keep up the great work!


Brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing this Destin!


great stuff Destin... i bet it took quite a bit of courage to go give a talk like that. You should be our U.S. Ambassador to somewhere hostile to us.


Thank you so much for sharing this video Destin. I agree with Frank that it must have taken quite a bit of courage to get up in front of that crowd. As an atheist, I really appreciate the effort you made to address issues like cognitive dissonance, your "threshold of belief", and challenges of understanding another person's belief system. I do worry about the positive feedback loop you talked about, regarding everybody's biases, and want to make an effort to believe things that are true. What can I read and/or listen to to give me a better understanding of this phenomenon? I know I'm simplifying and probably have a fundamental aspect of this wrong but, what I got from your talk was that truth can be found by way of a formula designed to find the average of the data points. Thus when you ask the question about whether or not God exists, you end up with Schrödinger's cat? ;-) In all seriousness, if you are trying to find the truth with an evenly distributed portion of data points on scale from 1 to 10 and our formula provides us with an answer of 5 but the actual answer is 8, then we have to address the question of flawed or at least inconsistent data points. Then, how do we filter out these data points? I'm not trying to change anybody's mind with this comment. I genuinely want to understand further the effects of social positive feedback loops on our beliefs. Thanks so much for what you do! Also, I hope you guys do another Random Acts of Intelligence, the last one was great!


Great talk Destin! I think too many Christians are afraid to get their pristine collared shirts a little "dirty" sometimes and have sincere conversations with people who disagree with them. If we neglect to speak the truth in love and respect, it's practically worthless. The backwards bike video is my favorite, specifically because of the way you viewed the scenario and applied it to deeper truths. I really appreciate what you're doing bro, and I'm regularly praying for you and your family. Thanks for inspiring me to get smarter everyday!


Hey Destin, Great Job! I've always shook my head at the "noise" in the YouTube comments sections and it obviously isn't a place to make any progress for either side of the arguments being made, not once has one of those comment fights ever ended with one guy going, "oh yeah, I guess you're right". I do have a question regarding your beliefs on the big bang, you mentioned it being originally proposed by a Christian, however you didn't elaborate on where you stand on the topic. I'm also an Engineer (civil) that is a Christian, but I have a pretty strong positive feedback loop in my life with lots of Christian friends and family. The only real negative feedback I have in the science realm is my stint at the University of Minnesota and viewing all the other science channels on YouTube. I guess I've always dismissed the big bang theory as is doesn't square with the creation account found in Genesis, as far as I can tell. I have a lot of respect for you and if you have a different perspective I would love to hear it.


Great talk. I really like the part where you talk about positive and negative feedback. I'm an engineer, too, and that makes a lot of sense. I'm also an Atheist, and I'd love to have a discussion with you about religion. I keep looking for negative feedback from religious people, but I can't find it. All I ever get is one of two things: 1) They agree with me on all points, except they say you need faith (which is acceptance without evidence - as a fellow engineer, you know how that goes over) or 2) I get complete, udder nonsense. To typify with a very mild example of the nonsense, my brother, who I love dearly but who is a christian, once told me while looking at evolutionary evidence in horse bones in a museum, "There is so much evidence here, it's hard to not believe it." Boy, one intelligent conversation would be so welcome.


Really appreciated this talk, Destin. It was very thought provoking, encouraging refinement in our thinking and pushing us to expand our frames of reference purposefully. Thank you for doing this in such a kind and inviting way. I appreciate you and your work. God bless.