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I'm making a Q&A video tonight. Any questions for me?


Is this on a personal note? Or more of a video content questions?


You are an Rocket Propulsion Engineer. I am considering leaving the Army and going to school for that. Any advice?


How are you so amazingly cool?


Have ever played around with the game universe sandbox and what do you think of it?


Destin, I've noticed you've been wearing army fatigues in some of your recent Instagram pics. How long & in what capacity do you serve? Thanks for the awesome content. You're my favorite Youtuber!


If you could go back to school forever for free, would you? And what would you specialize in?


I think the "why" is naturally obvious, but what tipped the scales for you to decide to pursue and attain your private pilot's licence and helicopter licence?


I'm currently studying electrical engineering while working towards my commissioning into the United States Air Force as a fighter pilot with the hope of eventually becoming an astronaut, and I wanna know if you have any tips, advice, or tricks that you wish you had known earlier in your life as a brand new adult trying to enter the world?


What are you feelings on nuclear power and its place in displacing coal and natural gas as a clean energy source?


Would like to hear more about your career. Certainly sounds like it's been a step up in awesome to the norm.


Oh, and a topical one... Thoughts on the Falcon stage 1 landing?


What an awesome question! I wonder what he thinks about this method becoming the norm... Will the difficulty or resources to do it every-time eventually become more reasonable? Is it worth the effort? Is it simply just cool to do but man-power and time/money inefficient?

Robin Beckett

Do you expect to be in the UK any time in the next year? Be nice to see you in person.


Hi Destin! What do you think about the long term plans of SpaceX - radically reducing space-travel costs, reaching Mars, making crewed return trips to Mars possible, and ultimately: colonizing Mars?


If you could ask just one question of anyone in history, who and what?


Carrying on a theme... If you could ask just one question of a civilisation in a galaxy far across the universe, what would that be?


What do you think of the ISS and/or the Moon being used as stepping stones to Mars? Valuable steps on the road, distracting projects driven by other agendas...?


I know that you do a lot of projects and videos along with a full time job, but I would love if you can do a podcast episode with Brady and CGP or with Derek and Henry. That would be awesome !


Do you feel like you're spreading yourself too thin in any of the myriad aspects of your life? For instance, are you getting any sleep?


Have you thought about using Space Engine for an episode about the tremendous scale of the universe and celestial bodies? Its ability to show just how slow the speed of light really is and how far apart celestial bodies are is unparalleled, at least in my opinion, and it's free so anyone can check it out for themselves.

Arturo Gutierrez

Looking back on your Youtuber career so far, what would you say has been "the" most important thing that has changed on Youtube or the Internet in general since you started?


How did you meet Brady?


Who were your video or film heroes that inspired you to create video content?


Can you talk about the challenges and milestones that Blue Origin and SpaceX have achieved with re-usable rockets? Differences in difficulty, what happens next, etc?


What kind of scientific topics do you think people must get to know better? If you were to advice a high school girl or boy, what would you recommend them to be the three subjects they must study more than others? Greetings from Mexico! I am sorry if my grammar is not as good. Keep going with your great work!


I love how you're nurturing your children's creative and inquisitive sides in videos like the balloon / pendulum demonstration. Do you have any tips for engaging with 4-8 year olds in a place they'll understand? Any suggestions for topics that lead into one another?


At the end of your videos, you always have a tie in quote from scripture. How have you been able to balance your faith with your thirst for science?

Gregg Simms

What is the most challenging concept that you are still working on to explain to us?


What scientist that you think people should know more about?

Strawberry Puptart

My question would be about the future. We're almost to the new year, what are your plans for Smarter Everyday in 2016? Also you seem to support several charities, are there any you are involved with that you think more people should be aware of?


I've scrolled to deep under a Youtube Video and have read comment. Luckily it was your Comment under the last SpaceX Falcon 9 Launce. So i'm so super exited about this successful landing of the first stage. When will you visit SpaceX and give us a detail inside view of them?


Should we invest more money and effort into Thorium reactor research to solve near future energi supply and create safer nuclear power?


I ran across your video you did on butterfly puddling and was wondering if you would do a more complete flushed out video then the one you did earlier in your career. It was so short and left so many questions unanswered. It looked more like accidental science then what you do now.


As an aspiring astronaut, what do you think America's near term and long term space exploration plans should be? How should the rest of the world be involved?


Hi Destin. You have a day job and yet you still travel around the world, while producing great content, while still finding the time to be a family man. How do you balance all of this?


What video / media technology are you most looking forward to?


I too live in Alabama, and I find that at times our state is not so kind to those who think more scientifically than they do religiously. I noticed your inclusion of verses from the bible so I assume you to be christian. How do you deal with aggression based on your acceptance of science in addition to religion.


Is there any videos of your Skepticon talk? I'd love to watch them.


What about climate change? I see that other planets are warming relative to ours but there has to be something we can do about the Earths' environmental crisis. What do you think?


I just became a patron for Smarter Every Day, and It noticed that of the foundations/groups that Smarter Every Day supports, Not Forgotten was there. Their milestone goals were about being able to use the bungalows monthly, and having enrichment for the children, but non of them have been met. Why is it that in the video update recently, those things were talked about as if they were already happening, if their Patreon site suggests that they are not?


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDu2ldAxHyc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDu2ldAxHyc</a>