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Hey guys, I was invited to speak at Skepticon, the nation's largest skeptic/atheism conference (according to their literature). As a Christian if I'm honest, I was scared, but I did it anyways. My message was that it's possible to have a rational faith and no matter what, it's important to work together to do awesome science despite any differences in opinions on faith. Everyone was extremely kind and we were all mutually gracious. I got to meet one Patron, Andrew, who came out to the talk. This picture is with my friend Matt Whitman from "Ten Minute Bible Hour" who came with me. There was no payment etc, so thanks for helping me fund this. It was an effort to build bridges. I'm headed home now and I'm excited/anxious about an interview tomorrow for a special training opportunity that I really want at work. I'm up against 5 other guys for 1 slot. Regards, Destin




Was so glad to hear about this. What an amazing opportunity, Destin!


So glad you took the time to do this Destin! My faith in the living God who created the universe with order and beauty is increased as science scratches the surface of knowledge as we try to understand how it all works. Thank you for Smarter Every Day!


I consider myself a skeptic/atheist and I'm also a big fan of your videos, so I'm happy to hear you did this!


I am also in the atheist camp, but I think it is especially important to support rational believers in the current climate of proud ignorance and religious bigotry. Keep up the good fight.

Austin Burnham

Any news on whether you got the position?


Good luck on the job!


Good luck Destin, I'm really glad you went to talk, I'm going to try and see if I can find a video of it so I can watch you.




Keep the faith, and thank you for the reference to Matt W's production -- heading over to check that out now.


Best of luck with the training opportunity Destin! And thank you for being such an inspiration!

Patrick W. Gilmore

I see no reason why people of different faiths cannot work together with a good heart and good intentions. In fact, I think the core of most faiths require this! And while atheism is not a faith, and there are no "requirements", most atheists feel the same way. Perhaps more importantly, you are a _shining_ example of "people of faith". There are so many who do not have a good heart or good intentions, and are more interested in using their faith as a weapon than as a way to help others and spread love. So thank you for that. One of the reasons I give you money every month, despite being an atheist. :) P.S. I would wish you good luck on the training interview, but I seriously doubt you need it.


To be honest, when I saw that you were headed to the conference, I was a little scared for you as well. I know how tense things like that can become if people of either side are in defensive mode. But I'm also encouraged that if anyone can build those bridges, it's you.. That's what you do. So glad it was good on both sides and I hope that you've built the beginnings of some long lasting relationships.


I applaud your courage, Destin. I always enjoy looking up the Bible verses that you post the end of your videos. I'm a Christian and a big fan of science, and I see no reason why the two must be mutually exclusive. It gives me comfort to believe in something greater than myself. Keep up the great work!


Good luck


When I met you at Massy Hall in Toronto (thanks again for the tickets!), I meant to ask you specifically about science and Christianity, but I forgot. Could you give us the gist of the talk, or the text or video? Thanks!


I'm glad you went!


Thanks for building bridges between rational faith and other communities. It is possible, and people like us exist! Mutual respect in such a situation is awesome and required, and it helps to see Christians who aren't spouting random, nonsensical stuff all of the time. Good luck with your interview! I'll keep it in my prayers. :D


I was very interested in your extended interview with Brady, when you spoke of being a "man of faith". I like that distinction, rather than "religious", which always carries an implication of dogmaticism and the negativity associated with it.


And, although I'm an atheist, I have faith in you -- those other 5 guys don't stand a chance!


Another atheist here, glad to see smart folks, both the faithful and us heathens, having civil and mutually respectful discussions. Keep being awesome Destin!


I'm happy to see this. I am also a Christian who is very much into science. I also follow TMBH; you'll find me in the comment section here and there. Is there a way we could view your talk? Best of luck for the training opportunity. James


Destin, Thank you for being bold in your faith. May God be honored and glorified by all that you do.


Keeping you in my prayers, you're an inspiration to me to be a great father to my 4 kids and to be strong in my faith in Christ in all circumstances. Keep up the great work Destin!


Dude, you're like the most awesome guy. I'm really proud that I get to help support you. Like you said, it's important for those of us of faith to serve as emissaries to show it's possible to have a rational faith and to work together to do awesome science. Also, good luck on your interview.


Also, I am trying to publish on my patreon a good list of Christians to support on Patreon. Would you (or any of your followers) happen to know of anyone who would be good for the list?


Is there a video somewhere of your talk?


Kudos for taking on this challenge! You might never know how God will work through that message you gave, but you know that some good will come from it..


As a "fundamental" atheist I think you'll do fine, I have no problem overlooking the 2 second bit at end of your videos. As for "rational faith" that is a funny if not oxymoronic statement to me but I'll listen. Hope it went well!