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Hey guys! There have been many people in the last week who made the transition over from Subbable. Thanks! One cool thing about Patreon is that I can communicate with you more consistently and give you aheads up on things that are about to happen. The attached video is not-for-distribution and for-patron-eyes-only. It's something I'm working on with an animator (youtube username EisenFeuer) to be incorporated in a video I hope to release in the next few days. I'm explaining the orbital mechanics of how the soyuz gets to the space station. I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXVhbKZIiZU Destin


Soyuz ISS Rendevous Animation

Uploaded by Destin SED on 2015-03-21.


Leo G.

This is so cool actually having things I learned in a game explained by someone that has actually done it. I can't wait to see more of the series. Also, if nobody has mentioned it yet, I think you'd get a huge amount of fun out of a game called Kerbal Space Program (<a href="https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">check it out here</a>)


Very surprised that is accomplished with only 7 burns!

Arturo Gutierrez

I love it how I understood everything thanks to Kerbal Space Program XD Great video!


I just do not under stand what you did with Subbbable?


I knew about the "burns," but I had no idea of their purpose or how detailed they are. Thanks for the education and the animation Destin - I'd be willing to bet you could inspire many youngsters into space.


OK top ten uber cool things I'd never looked into but now know ... You freaking rock dude! Thanks and can't wait for the full video!


That might be the best Patreon benefit I've yet had :)


Neat! Any mention of KSP and how you can do the same thing yourself in the game? You might want to make a note on the animation that the final burn happens much closer to the SS than in the image, since if you burned slow from the shown distance, your trajectory would fall away before the rendezvous.


That was so easy to understand! wow thank you!

Leo G.

Go look up the MechJeb mod for KSP. It makes things a lot easier and more like what NASA actually does. If you like, hit me with a PM and I'll give you a rundown on the ones that I use.


Well visualized.