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A long time ago I decided to start making videos just because it was fun. I made this before I understood the full ramifications of putting things on the internet. The year after I made this video Santa called me out from the top of the truck and asked me if I was going to make a video again that year. This was probably my first brush with people recognizing my work and mentioning it to me "in the real world". I've kept this video private for many years now, but figured you might be interested in watching it to understand just HOW BAD I was at making videos in the early days. They were certainly still fun, but my goodness how far they've come! Merry Christmas!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r-yKhTpUWA


Merry Christmas - Candy Bait

We use my daughter to get candy at the Christmas Parade. We're just being goofy. Merry Christmas! Pennywhistle Productions



Can't be all that bad you have a veggie tales shirt on.


That was positively disgusting. I thought you were more mature than that. Do not post that video as your best of the year...


It's Not horrible Video,but Yes We Can not be selfish,it's best to be Giving and Selfless especially around the Holidays :-)


Hmm, strange! Somehow youtube tells me that the video is not available! Could there be some country restrictions?


Yes. There's an Elvis song at the end of the video and I believe some countries block it due to copyright issues even though the video isn't monetized.


Ok, that would explain it! Thanks! But I guess I will manage to find a way ;-) But for now enjoy your Merry Christmas!