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Do you think all the frequencies are being made by the same animal, or do you think there's a call-and-response thing going on between males and females or something like that? Here's the video!

Thank you so much for supporting Smarter Every Day on Patreon! I'm genuinely grateful for all that you do for me.

Did you remember to download the high resolution eclipse photo? As a Patron, you can snag a copy and print it etc! Here's that link.

Just a thought here... would you be interested in me providing the slow motion files so you could do your own analysis with the CineViewer?

Thank you so much



It's Weirder Than I Thought! How Cicadas Make Noise (In Ultra Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 299

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Joe A Powell

I’m getting smarter every day ! Thank you for honing our perceptions of the things happening all around us with your high speed videos. I still think your solving of the mystery of the Prince Rupert’s drop of “unbreakable glass” is the best teaching tool for explaining the benefits of residual compressive surface stresses. We are applying the same principles to Martensitic steel heat treating metallurgies by using the teachings from the DANTE Solutions FEA modeling tools. The DANTE models enable the heat treater for the first time to “see” the thermal expansion and shrinkage in the metal’s grain structure in “real time” and then to optimize the heat transfers to make higher levels of beneficial residual compressive surface stresses in the part during quench cooling that remain after tempering … “super-strengthening” a given part mass and making the distortion predictable so it can be managed in the green size to Quench2FIT.

Joe A Powell

THANKS Destin!!! God bless your servant leadership in teaching us about nature that is all around us!!!

Robert Thompson

Here in the UK we don’t have Cicadas. But this made your video no less fascinating. We have grass hoppers but nothing like on the scale in the US. They are no where near as loud or as many in number. Great video.

Kurtis Moss

A little late to the game here- but THIS IS GREAT! Growing up in flat open Indiana, we talked so much about Cicadas, how noisy they are, and how cool they are. It seemed like every few years we got to rediscover something interesting about them. A few years back I had a neat opportunity to time-lapse one hatching from its shell. I’d love to share that video somehow. It’s a cool, low tech compliment to this video. Right now it’s just living on my Facebook 🤦🏼‍♂️. Keep up the good work Destin!