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All of the text is read in an audio file in case you don't feel like reading. (it's 6 min).

The short of it:
I can no longer keep up with the system I've built in place for my Patreon. Even with a hired assistant, I still struggle to finish the rewards in time every month. I'm sure you guys have noticed my productiveness slowly diminishing as well, even when doing my best to decrease my work load. I realize the way I run things are better suited for a full team of people, and not one person alone. Not to mention the growing disconnection I've felt since I switched over to uploading on Dropbox instead. I'm barely checking in on my Patreon page. And throughout this experience, I've realized I need a more streamlined process which allows me to interact more with you all! The ones supporting my work, allowing me to pursue my passion. I want to involve you guys in my ideas, and make changes prioritizing that aspect of my work. So, here are the main points on what's going to happen going forward:

  • 1. As of November 10th, 2023 the point system + vouchers are put on pause. You can still use any points and/or vouchers you have left, but Patrons can no longer gain them.
  • 2. November and Decemeber will proceed as normal, with a monthly poll accompanied by an illustration.
  • 3. January 1st 2024 the Point system + Voucher rewards are deleted, and the $5 + $10 tier rewards will be edited.
  • 4. I will begin uploading all of my monthly rewards kept on Dropbox/Gumroad directly to my Patreon page throughout January, while also working on new art for January's rewards.
  • 5. Monthly polls will still be a thing for the $10 tier, but I'll be the one deciding if it'll be a sketch, flatcolored, or fully rendered illustration. The polls might not be published every month either, depending on if I have other projects that need to be prioritized.

The changes in the Tier rewards after December will look like this:


NEW (not set in stone, I may add other benefits as time goes by):

For a long time now I've been pondering about making these changes. Since December 2022, almost a year ago now, I cut down from doing two monthly illustrations to one. I disbanded the "Besite bun tier" (used to be a commission tier) in hopes that it would ease what I now see was the start of a long, slow burnout. I was uncertain if I could call it a burnout up until recently, as I thought there could be other factors coming in to play that made me feel exhausted. I kept it in the back of my head as I did my best to maintain my page as usual. But it came to a point where in recent months, there's been multiple times where I dip off from all my social media due to my lack of energy. Even with an assistant helping me, I still cannot meet the monthly deadlines I set for myself. Often I find myself avoiding going on Patreon alltogether until I have something to upload. And those moments where I go no-contact and/or no-updates keep happening more frequently.

Which makes me sad. It feels as if I've turned my creative process into something to push out a product, instead of a fun journey to share with those who support my work. It's been killing my passion for art, and been making it feel like a chore. Which... was a scary moment to process. It also isn't fair to myself or you guys. You've so kindly contributed to my growth, inspiration & improvement as an artist. Continuing to repeat the current cycle will only further distance myself from my art and all of you. Originally, I moved over to DropBox because I saw my entire page getting pirated after the release of  "Dragons Hoard". I'd never experienced my stuff getting leaked to this extent, so I reacted by finding the best method to protect my work. However, I've come to terms with the fact that people will pirate if they want to pirate. At least I get some good promo, lol.

Even though it was devastating at the time, it's proved to be a valuable experience. Knowing what it's like to be on both the side of the consumer and seller now, it's given me better insight on how I'd like to conduct my page. And I'd rather have people to support me because they want to, than because they have to, to get access to a specific reward. Of course, there's a balance and both are important when it comes to running a page successfully. Though, the former is what allows most creators to thrive, and is the best way to create a connection with people. Thus, I've decided to focus making the process more convenient and less stressful for both you guys and me. I don't know if I'll go back to the DropBox method in the future, I'll have to see how it goes. But I can already feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and I feel ready to tackle my future ideas with enthusiasm.

Thank you for sticking with me through all of this!! If you have any suggestions at all for fun rewards I could incorporate to my Patreon benefits, comment below or send me a DM <3
Much love,


Viktor Branwyn

M8 don't you worry yourself. As long as I get to see how the art is made and support a fellow creative I'll stick around in what ways I can! Keep on keeping on.


Thank you Viktor!! As long as I make art I'll share my process as much as I can >:)


A little late to comment, but whatever works best for you! As long as you enjoy your work and take the time you need for yourself. Heck, take extra time for yourself. Wishing you all the best figuring this out, and no rush or pressure if you end up changing things up in the future


Thank you so much Shoujo. It's support from people like you that motivate me to keep going!