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As stated in my last update, I'm introducing Free vouchers to redeem previous Patreon rewards from my Gumroad. They're given to any new Patrons upon joining, and a "New Patron" is considered someone who hasn't recevied a Free Voucher for 6 months. Which is valid for everyone who's continued their pledge into August, since the voucher only came into existance this week lol.

  • New $5 tier buns get x1 Free Voucher to redeem any Patreon-pack of their choice.
  • New $10 tier buns get x2 Free Vouchers to redeem any Patreon-packs of their choice.

SO! If you want to use your Free Voucher, please comment under THIS POST as ususal, but specify that you're redeeming Packages by using a Voucher!

Thank you everyone again for your support ❤


Viktor Branwyn

Id like to redeem a voucher for 2022 October pack please and thank you.

Sepia Maplewood

Formal double voucher request please and thank you.


As mentioned in the post, please comment here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/69952618


As mentioned in the post, please comment here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/69952618

Hypster Charizard

Am I still able to redeem vouchers? I just signed up as a $10 tier patron


Yep! You should still be able to redeem your vouchers. If you want to, feel free to let me know! ^^