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What new Feature / Reward would you like?

  • 1. Ask/Request my Characters anything 50
  • 2. Loyalty Point system with different rewards. 19
  • 3. Other (comment!) 0
  • 4. None of the above, I don’t want these ideas to be implemented. 4
  • 2024-03-21
  • 73 votes
{'title': 'What new Feature / Reward would you like?', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Ask/Request my Characters anything', 'votes': 50}, {'text': '2. Loyalty Point system with different rewards.', 'votes': 19}, {'text': '3. Other (comment!)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '4. None of the above, I don’t want these ideas to be implemented.', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 21, 19, 20, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 73}


I’m lookin to spruce my page up and make it more interactive for y’all! I’ve had some thoughts on the matter… and think these could be fun to implement. I wanna add one idea at a time to see if it works first, which is why I’m running a poll so y’all can pick the one you like the most!

Here are the options:

1. Ask / Request my Characters anything.

  • I make a post + discord channel where people can comment questions or requests for my OC’s to answer or do (can be SFW or NSFW). My Toyhou.se will be linked in the post so you can see all the OC’s I own, and you can direct a request or question to any or multiple of them. I will respond with a sketch (either colored or not) of my OC answering or doing the request. I’ll reply to the comment with a link to the posted answer! NB: I might not draw a reply to all the comments for various reasons (I.e: the question/request has been answered before, or It oversteps my boundaries, etc), but I’ll do my best to get to as many as possible!

  • I think it’s a great opportunity for me to flesh out my OC’s, share my lore & worldbuilding, and perhaps even grow better at storytelling through comic-strips! I believe it’s also a great way to interact + connect with you guys, and build ideas with my community.

2. Loyalty Point system with different rewards.

  • Similar to how the ‘voucher / point’ system worked before monthly dropboxes got scrapped, I was thinking of making a post where you could redeem different rewards. You’d collect a certain amount of points per month, depending on your tier. These rewards could be, I.e: "Use X amount of points to redeem a simple bust sketch", "Redeem hidden reward 1/2/3/etc", "Redeem a commission discount voucher", "Redeem an art criticism/feedback from me on an artwork of yours", etc. ‘Hidden rewards’ would be NSFW art purposly made only to be sent out to Patrons who use points to redeem them. The listed art rewards in the post would come with a short text description, describing the type of art (sketch / colored / rendered) and its contents, so Patrons will know in advance if its of interest to them. Hidden art rewards’ prices would be ranged from how long it took to finish. Low price - sketches, High price - Rendered art with multiple ALTs.

  • This could be a good idea on how to reward long-standing supporters of mine in a more passive way, while having something new Patrons can look forward to when they join alongside the regular content! Downsides to this might be that I’d spend some time drawing stuff that isn’t posted directly for everyone to enjoy. I’d most likely keep drawing & add to the collection over time, too. The problem could be solved by posting these ‘Hidden art’ pieces after 3-5 months of them being enlisted! That way the roster of ‘Hidden art’ would stay fresh, without the list growing too big & overwhelming for Patrons to choose from.

3. Other

  • If you have any other ideas you think would be fun or good to include on my Patreon, let me know!! Comment below or shoot me a DM.


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