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Link to the reaction: https://od.lk/s/ODZfNDU0NTg0NTZf/Vikings%206X09%20full.mp4

Ivar is reunited with his brother just in time to witness Oleg's HUGE army getting ready to attack D: And Harold accepts to join with Bjorn's forces for the fight of their life...Oh and Ubbe's a dad, now! Aaawww



Chantelle Miles

I LOVED the reunion between Hvitserk and Ivar, at the end of the day their brothers and do love each other, even if Hvitserk hates him too for his wrong doings. However Ivar is the only brother whos stuck with Hvitserk, even Ubbe has turned his back on him. Ivar has literally saved Hvitserks life, he definitely would of died if Ivar didnt find him, they are fated to be together, i have always belived that. I got worried abit about Hvitserk being too angry but glad hes finally at peace with himself and his fate now. Hes actually happy about being the one to kill Lagertha and having accomplished something his brothers could not do but really wanted to do. Hvitserk also hasnt asked for drugs or drink since killing Lagertha if u guys didnt notice, he isnt shaking or throwing up, hes just looks rough after everything and was freezing to death. Hes still an addict im sure but seems like after killing Lagertha, things are improving for him abit at least and now he has Ivar caring for him. Ivar after everything is finally appreciating his brother way more now and has probably really missed his family being in Kiev and travelling. Ivar has grown alot and probably had time to regret how he didnt appreciate Hvitserk enough. Not sure if you guys heard it, but Ubbe named his son Ragnar after his grandfather how precious. Also Hvitserk never had a wife and yes Ivar did burn his girl bt she did conspire and plot against her king, even if she didnt see him as a god, he was still the king of kattegat. In the uncut version after Ivar saved Hvitserk, Hvitserk talks abkut how hes nothing and how no pne cares about him or if he dies and Ivar stops him and says "No, i do, I care". He is finally opening up to his brother so i hope u get the uncut versions for rest of series because you will miss some beautiful moments and worss i swear. Please watch the amazon prime versions.


I wish we could watch it on prime, but for weird reasons, whenever we try on my computer, the video just won't stop buffering 😅

Chantelle Miles

Oh no way...thats a shame :/. Really hate that you will miss out on some precious moments between Ivar and Igor Igor especially..Also that Ivar is alrrady showing his carjng side to Hvitserk by telling him he does care about him, when Hvitserk said nobody cares.