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Hey guys!! August is right around the corner and we've been working on both our current shows and new ones we said we were gonna do a while back, but we're still looking for 1 live action show to eventually replace either Better Call Saul or Vikings when we get there and we wanna start working on it as soon as possible :D!!

So tell us guys! What would you prefer to see next? ;)



Write-in vote for The Americans.

Tyrone Tyrone

✋Another write-in-vote for The Americans. From the list... Black Sails Dark Fleabag The handmaid's Tale Cobra Kai


Black Sails is winning a poll??? You have the best subscribers lol


Only five votes though eeek. Watched Black Sails get robbed poll after poll, it truly is one of the greats after a bit of a build up.


That's the second time we've had Black Sails in a poll and tbh, even if it loses again, we might do it in the future anyway if it keeps getting second place xD


Made my vote, and I generally dislike when people do this but - I'm curious if there has been any interest or discussion of Mr. Robot ending up on polls in the future?


It definitely would've if we hadn't seen it already 😅 we're huge fans of Rami and funny enough, it was because of how crazy we got while watching mr. robot that we decided it would be interesting to do reaction videos ahah


Just so you know, Fleabag is 25 minutes not 45


Oooh I didn't know xD we're basically just looking for a live action show so it doesn't really matter n.n

Tyrone Tyrone

Since the mob has spoken finish Code Geass please.


wait, did Fleabag win?? it's like in my top 5 shows of all time with Sherlock haha I hope so


if so it's also short and quick, 2 seasons, 6 episodes per season, 20-25min per episode. Moriarty from Sherlock is in season 2 :)