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Floki got close to getting away here, but when it's one against a dozen, it's not so easy to vanish D: Now his daughter's dead and he's facing a pretty long and miserable death!! And Ragnar doesn't know how to feel about everything that's happening! I feel for him T.T


Vikings 4X02 full.mp4


Tyrone Tyrone

Floki's punishment isn't to drown him it's what we used to call Chinese water torture. And Floki's foretold his punishment in season 2 The Lord's Prayer, episode 10, 18:54 - 19:20.

Tyrone Tyrone

As a Washingtonian I'll trade you Canada's winter for DC July and August😰😰😰😰 nothing but humidity and mosquitoes.


Oooh I don't think you'll like our Canadian summer either xD very humid here too!!