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This movie made me cry for some reason



Hello Everybody! This movie was so adorable PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Benny Ford

From my experience Spotify is missing a lot of things Apple has, so don’t feel too bad. Is Randy Elderman the arch enemy of Randy Newman??? You were 1000% spot on in your review and you won’t have to fight me to like this movie. Any similarities in your review and my Letterboxd review are purely coincidental and I formed my thoughts before you stated yours out loud. 😁 This movie moved you because you have a love of Arnold as he gave your channel a direction to move in that inspired so many requests that have become videos. You also hold a love for the class that you taught. Which is obvious if you have enough loyalty to wear a bracelet for every year of teaching that you wear everyday of your life. This movie touches on both of those things for you and you (as well as me) love a slow dolly shot close up of a character revealing information about themselves like Andrew in the Breakfast Club or another movie recently. There is a sophistication in that camera movement that gets ya.

D Anthony

One of the main reasons why critics were not so high on this movie is because they didn't know who this film was made for. Was it for kids? Was it for adults? It was confusing for them who the target audience was. On one hand you have Arnold popping off shotguns, people getting shot and murdered, OD'ing on drugs, showing dead bodies, kidnapping, etc. On the other hand you have a nice wholesome film with lighthearted moments with adorable kids. So critics were wondering, do you take your 6 year old kid to see this film or your adult friends? I think it was also marketed as a family film but there's content in the movie that parents may not want their children to see and critics probably didn't appreciate that. An Arnold movie I recommend that I haven't seen anyone react to yet is Eraser (1996). Really underrated action film.