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To make up for me feelin' bad last stream, here's a cray little animation.




When you cross the Scottish bunny


Is it bad that I can hear Manuel Gas Gas Gas when looking at this? It be so funny to see her suddenly drifting around corners as she chases Dawn! XD An Hey don't feel bad man stuff happens~

Elusive Anon

*Aggressive, Rapid, Scottish Flirting*


Gloriabunny: WA UR YE RUNNIN'!? (im very curious the reasoning why Gloriabunny is chasing Dawnpunny xD )


hmmm mabye the one Gloriabunny caught staring at her in your last pokemon animation was Dawnpunny and she wont take 'no' for an answear to a fight and now sprinting after her at full speed haha by the way nice touch that you made Dawnpunny jump instead of sprinting like she does in the game