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this priest is a creep


High School DxD Ep. 3 Reaction [FULL]

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Well 2 things to clear up. 1. The Chess stuff is not for the reason of "I am smart" or "I am a strategist". Like Rias said "Demons from the aristocracy assign the traits of these pieces to their subordinates." and the whole thing is called "Evil Piece". So each of her subordiantes is based on a Chess Piece and each Chess Piece has it's own trait. Like they said: A Knights trait is Speed. A Rooks trait is tremendous physical Strength and Defence and a Queens has all the Traits of the other Pieces. So yeah, I think it was imporant to mention, since the Chess stuff actually matters and isn't just "I play chess so I am a good leader because i am smart and strategic" 2. Like they said, the Priest is a "Stray" Exorcist. He also mentioned that he was told from the Fallen Angel to not hot hurt Asia. Which pretty much also confirms that he works with Fallen Angels. So he is basically a bad guy through and through. So while normal Priests and Exorcists work with the normal Angels, he is a stray and works with the Fallen Angel. So he is not a "Good" Priest that does fucked up stuff. He is a "Bad" Priest that does fucked up stuff.


No recurring character is safe from lewding in this series. Just gotta buckle down, steel your resolve, and deal with it. I personally just laugh, because in the end it's a comedy, so I'll just laugh at how ridiculous it is. XD Obviously, except for actual serious situations. Was mainly talking about the halfway point visuals.