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Aqua gets closer to solving his mystery. B Komachi gets a new member...



only 2 more episodes left ;(

Coping McCoperson

playing devils advocate, MEM went onto the show purely for promotion and made zero advances on the cast.


Still can't quite get a good read on our boy Aqua, man... that scene where he told Kana that her hostility towards him might hurt his feelings still confuses me. On one hand, he could have just said that without malice, meaning he really did mean what he said. On the other hand, he could have said that to continue manipulating Kana, in the same way he practically coerced her into joining B Komachi... uhhhh... it's so frustrating but I love it! I'm gonna feel the void that this show leaves once the last 2 episodes are aired.


reminder that unfortunately the 12-20 thing isn’t “just anime” when i went to Japan a few years back, I was walking around Sunshine Mall in Ikebukuro and a small idol concert was happening at the middle of the mall. My friends and I were curious as we passed and googled them. They were all 12-13 years old while the crowd were all 30+ year old men…It’s a weird industry for sure

Richie Roberts

She picked up more followers and made connections with the cast and production. Came out of it with as a new member of an idol group (her dream). Technically speaking she killed it. Her goal wasn't to hook up. Her goal was to make connections and grow as an entertainer, she did that. And it wasn't Aqua and his connection with B Komachi that made the producer give B Komachi the shot at JIF. It was her. MEM succeeded post Love Now.

Richie Roberts

MEM knew who Ai was because she was 25. The rest of them didn't because they were young. Also not sure if you noticed when you were editing. You seemed to have missed it in the reaction; the theater company Ai joined is also the one that Akane is from. This is going to be Ruby's arc. Really hope they announce season 2 at the end of this. Did you here that the OP hit #1 on the global billboard 100 excluding the US? That's insane first time ever that has happened for a Japanese song and an anime song no less.


I like the flip from "let go japan" to "hazz anyway" when he joke about japan age relation


Oh, trust me. I know its not JUST anime. I merely said that because I didn't want to offend Japanese viewers. I cut it out but I initially said "that's just Japan"


ohhhhhhhhhhhhh true. Didn't think of her age. I did in fact miss that about the theater company but that's because I don't remember that about Akane 🤷‍♂️ too much anime.

Richie Roberts

The producer mentioned it when he was talking to Aqua this episode. You were a bit busy figuring out your reaction. That's why I think it's a good idea to re read this series on manga plus afterwards. Sometimes you pick up on stuff you missed from reading that you don't from watching. Because you tend to give more attention to reading the manga than when you watch the anime or at least I do. Or maybe just a re-watch when you don't have to worry about reacting, but reading may be faster and take up less of your time. If you already have Shounen Jump digital then you can read manga plus manga as well. If you want more info about either service hmu and I'll be glad to tell you more. Not shilling for them I just use them both and it's 1 service, not 2. They're bundled together so if you pay for one you've bought the other.


Man, in US 25 and 16 is also legal in more than half of the states. And it’s also legal in UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Australia, Austria, Ukraine, Canada and basically in all of the world except few Asian and African countries. There is nothing wrong with that, stop making a fuss over nothing man… if it’s not really appreciated in the place you’re from doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad

Jake Thompson

Anyone who knows the age of consent in that many places should probably be on a watch list.


lol what. Watch list for what? Joe blamed Japan for legality of something he personally against of, while it is legal almost worldwide, including 2/3 of his own country. I pointed it out, that’s all. And this is just basic information of world’s laws, and if you for some reason don’t know it, you can google it and find the info in 5 sec. And it has nothing to do with my preferences of who to date. Even though if I would date a 16 y.o. or 40 y.o., it’s not really your concern

Jared Williams

I’ve been on team Kana from episode 3 and she is absolutely REPRESENTING in these episodes lately!

Taylor Moon

To be clear, most places where 16 is legal it's legal with consent of the parents they aren't just allowed to do whatever because they're not adults yet. Hence the Romeo and Juliet law


Well, yes, but not really. You may have problems if your parents are very against it, but let’s be real, commonly this wouldn’t be the case. If there is no problems in your child’s relationships (like abuse etc), you most likely wouldn’t get involved. If you’re not an overprotective parent. Like, at 16 y.o. you’re mature enough to be at least relationship independent. But if you’re not sure how your parents would react and you don’t have trustworthy relationships, you probably won’t even tell them that you’re dating someone quite older. Which I don’t approve, you always should tell parents about that stuff, even when you’re over 18, so they could help you if there is something wrong, but it’s understandable and it’s 100% parents’s fault that their child doesn’t trust them


I will no longer comment negatively on the country of Japan. America also has weird ass laws regarding min. age requirements. Thank you, have a good day.


ok, let me go over to youtube to reach the 1.5k likes (or did you mean here on Patreon?)


25 and 16 would actually totally fine in German law as well.


To be fair to MEM, she did say she wasn't looking for anything in the dating show, just hoping to gain more followers/subscribers.


Dude, just because it’s “legal” doesn’t make it morally correct. It should be both unappreciated and bad no matter where you’re from.


And for what reason? ‘Cause you said so? Don’t teach people life, okay? You’re not the one to decide what’s “bad” and what’s “good”. You also don’t have any rights to judge millions of others while not even knowing their relationships and situation. I’m shocked yet again how some people think that what is morally (not)right for them should be morally (not)right for everyone. I’m sorry, don’t want to assault anyone, but you’re delusional fr and instead of fighting with real problems you’re just attacking people cause they live different. You clearly can be against it, but you’re 100% not the one to judge and decide if something you don’t like is “bad”


And for Joe, if you think it’s weird out of your personal relation to this, this is fine, you don’t have to be for it. But man, it would be great if you chill out a little, there is nothing to react so over the top about. And first of all, this is just anime


Just the fact you’re defending it already tells me what kind of person you are. There could be 30+yr old that’s with a 16yr old and you’d defend them, which is disgusting af. So, yeah, my point still stands that it’s immoral.