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Great acting and new girls 👀👀



Aqua with his dense mc rizz just walking up to super hot girls and charming them


Fun Fact: Frill sister are in Kaguya sama

plug-in panda

they adapted aquas acting scene soooo well. amazing performances for the VA's in that scene too. dating show wooooo

plug-in panda

frill is also in aka senseis new manga renai daikou, shes referenced in ch1


Wait Frill is in some 9pm monday drama series, right?? Wanna bet the director who's obsessed w/ looks above all is the one directing that drama, where he wants Aqua to be part of in exchange for the gossip on Ai?

Richie Roberts

Funny fact I just learned, all the Rudy comparisons in ep 1 are funnier now. Baby Aqua's voice actor is the same as Rudy's voice actor from Mushoku Tensei. So that made all of the comparisons funnier to me.


The pink-haired girl shares a voice actor with one of the Yamadas this season

Richie Roberts

Yeah. This is definitely a pause and go back anime and a re-watch anime for sure. I'm so glad I read the manga for this. I highly recommend you check out the manga for this once you finish the anime. So worth the read. I think you're really gonna love it. I hope this get a season 2. It so deserves it and the animation better stay at this quality or get better none of that downgrade BS we've been seeing with so many shows lately when they get to season 2. OnK deserves better.


Back row by the window is standard MC seat you're right. There are definitely outliers, but those MC's don't share a specific seat position, it's more random. I dunno why people argue about this 😂


I'll take you on that 20$ joe, I don't think it will be that type of harem show for our boy but you might be right. Just hasn't given me that vibe yet


Typical just throwing out 20s 🙄 Guess that's how you can afford your steaks

Shane x Masters

Joe just because you say you aren't rich doesn't mean it's true


First one is still my fav episode but this one comes very close to me! I loved the whole acting scene


Really love the first half of this episode. It puts into perspective how much we, as anime viewers, don't really take the feelings of the author/mangaka much into consideration when we watch these types of adaptations. As viewers, we scoff at trash anime adaptations, but for their respective authors/mangakas, it must suck to have your life's work treated like trash by some anime/TV production studio who do half-assed jobs. It's clear that the first episode will be a hard one to top... but, at least, it looks like they've been doing a good job at keeping things interesting and exciting, even if the pace isn't as frantic as the first's. Super excited to see what's in store for us next... I haven't touched the manga yet but I've been told by manga readers that there are some crazy dark topics that we've yet to get to.

TAC Genesis

Aqua one of my favorite MCs so far.


Fun fact - Shiranui Frill is a younger sister of one of the Kaguya-sama characters. From the manga arc that is yet to be adapted. Also, Oshi no Ko and Kaguya-sama are in the same universe, but the time line is different. We will see older Kaguya in this show later on, not gonna spoil the context though. And yeah, Shiranui will not fall in love with Aqua 😅 She is actually not even a big part of the plot, just a recurring character