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An interesting new mini arc.


w/smallscreen Computer

Regarding to the reaction of this series, I think what captivates the focus on the anime adaptations for the audience, aside from the actual contents of the source materials, is whether making an animated manga through simply using the scopes from the source materials (mostly from the manga, but many adaptations just converts the novel into simplified moving pictures as well), or making an "anime" animation where many elements from the source materials are altered in order to make the general contents more dynamic for the audience to digest (there should be more to this but I'm not totally sure of.) Something the differentiates the experience of the source material and the anime for the anime only viewer and the source material viewer, is that the scopes of the manga is flexible and steadily on pages, while the scopes of the anime is continuous moving pictures in a rectangle. The manga tends to be more expressive as it provides space for the viewers to ponder upon, but the anime requires visual and audient attentions in addition to reading subtitles. It would be important for the anime to leave something that stands out while addressing the content to the audience even if these content are just infomation dump or extended dialogues on the moment. Demonstrating the contents of the manga or novel that have gone beyond the limitation of plain pages by including more subtle movements to illustrate the inner thought of a character, or adding drastic background animations to help further forwarding the information etc.. This also would be risky for the studio to do such things since it could very much change the presentations of the source materials, so there are many adaptations which only pursuing the fundamental due to the limitation of resources and market cognitions. It is rather difficult but not impossible to appeal to both the anime only viewers and the viewers who also consumed the source materials, but it becomes more and more challenging as the anime industries expand at accelerating rate. The In/Spectre anime managed to translate the manga with the original scope so far, which is not necessarily a bad thing; however I do hope that the studio can do a little bit more if we get another season for this series.