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3 episodes so a lot happened... I love how with each episode, Soma gets this world to move a little further in the right direction.


Realist Hero Ep. 21-23 Reaction [FULL]

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vardic d

Wow when you get here so early the video is only available in 360p ;P Guess we're watching in low quality tonight. :D Also you laugh about the glasses being enough to disguise the king, and joke about the Superman-Clark Kent thing, but there was a story Henry Cavill told on a talk show after he had the role of Superman where we was walking down the street in New York with glasses on and no one recognized him as the Superman actor, and when he pointed it out to people a good number of them refused to believe him, said he looked nothing like the actor. There is a real condition called Prosopagnosia that impairs the ability to recognize faces. a much more common 'milder' variation of the condition can be enough to confuse someone if a an otherwise familiar person puts on glasses, changes hair styles, or other minor cosmetic changes. I know it sounds silly, but there is actual real medical science behind this phenomenon. It's far more common than you might think when you don't have the person changing right in front of you. I've literally had people I've known for years be completely unrecognizable to me because they changed the styles of their glasses or started wearing contacts and got rid of their glasses, and my brain saw them as a complete stranger until they told me who they were again. It's annoying. Not criticising you for your joke, just offering a real example and a bit of knowledge and perspective.

Yonko Magikarp

yes, I was thought the nine-hand trick in school.


no, I didn't have the nine-hand trick in school.

Richie Roberts

Marrying someone who was 16 was also common just 100 years ago. It's strange to us now, but it wasn't so weird back then. And this is based on a post medieval society. So it wouldn't be strange to them. especially among royals, it was very common to be engaged at a young age for royals. So I'm not going to say it's just an anime thing with this one, but also... you right.

Richie Roberts

I like that the story of the 2 gods is literally communism vs capitalism. It's an interesting way to explain it.

Richie Roberts

Ep 22 thoughts: Am I hearing things or does Ginger sound like Rudeus? Abolishing slavery in outright would be a big financial and social problem for them. Slavery is a part of their society and economy so that's why Souma took steps to faze it out gently. This way no one needed slavery economically or socially anymore. It interesting how subjects like this are handled. I was in the same head space as you and then they talked about the consequences of just abolishing slavery as a national policy in one go and how that would lead to an even worse state of affairs. And that's why Soma made that policy for the nobles and knights lands, because he knew that educated slaves would be in demand. That was his way of phasing out slavery in the kingdom. If I remember right those glasses have a magical effect on them that lets you disguise yourself. Also Souma's decree for the nobles came before the slaver started teaching.

Richie Roberts

Episode 23 thoughts: For an explanation on antibiotics please see Dr. Stone. lol Get baited. His grandpa was technically the slave trader, but when he died his grandson found out about it. The eyedine 'iodine' get it?


don't forget, Carla is a slave too. You can barely see the bracelet every now and then around her neck.

vardic d

You are correct, but it wasn't just for royals. Marrying and having children young was common for everyone. Human life expectancy was very poor, it wasn't so uncommon that making it to 40 years old made you a venerated elder. In general the idea was marry young and have as many kids as fast as possible to give you plenty of time to raise them, before old age, sickness, or some war your tribe/city/country was involved in killed you and ended your family line. In the harsh world before modern health care and our extended life spans people didn't have the luxury of waiting till their 20's or 30's to start having babies, they wouldn't survive long enough to raise their offspring.


Interesting. I guess I’m built different or my memory is so shit I can’t recall an instance like that for myself. Honestly my memory is shit though lol


I never used it because I learned my times tables 2 years early from friends. Helped a bunch in grade school.


Rip. When we’re you taught multiplication. My school taught it in 3rd grade so like 8-9 years old.


The glasses thing is my bad. Forgot that. As far as the slavery thing goes, I don’t remember what I said, but I understand that Soma can’t just say, “no more slavery” he recognizes that that’s what led to the Civil War in the US so that’s something he wants to avoid.

vardic d

It might very well be that you've never had that experience. There are people on the other side of the spectrum that never have problems recognizing people. So called 'super recognizers'