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yo this is actually really good!


Charlotte Ep. 9-10 Reaction [FULL]

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There are actually a number of people that stopped liking the show after this set of episodes, complaining that with Shunsuke's time travel ability they "Deus ex Machina-ed" a dead Ayumi back into existence, leaving the show with no stakes. I cannot wholeheartedly disagree with that particular sentiment enough. A "deus ex machina" is when a writer writes themselves in a corner and introduces something into the story to break out of that situation. However, Shunsuke's existence was hinted at from very early in the story, which means all of this was planned from the very beginning. It's fine for people to not like the twist (once again, I'm not one of those), but it's incorrect for them to complain about "losing stakes" over it because her life/death alone aren't the stakes to begin with - everyone's survival is the stakes.


Hiding in the dark song fits this show so well


Same for the revelation of Yu's true power, I've seen people complain about it being out of left field even though there were hints with previous episodes, like Tomori asking him to take over the pitcher "to try something out".