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Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night Ep. 4 Reaction [FULL]

Watch "Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night Ep. 4 Reaction [FULL]" on Streamable.



Joe not how it works in Japan. Companies ONLY hire fresh graduates from university etc schools, they DON'T hire people outside of the mass recruitment (talking about hundreds if not thousands of potential positions they mass-recruit from universities, w/ even some competition between different corpos at various universities/technical schools). If you miss that 1 chance, you are likely to be permanently stuck at the part-time jobs like a wholeass mid-generation in Japan are even to this day long after the bubble bursting happened. Also Joe GTFO of here badmouthing my boi shrimps. They be bussin' fr fr


Yoshikage Kira be like, "Lady fingers, you say?"