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New Addition 1: Drew sprites + animated them for the club scene

The club scene is kind of starting to come together! 

New Addition 2: Inserted all new assets into the game + added hover texts and dialogues

All the dialogue and assets outside the sex scene have now been added πŸ‘ I hope you'll enjoy the new chars!

πŸ˜‰ ...and some old chars. (Alternate universe versions, of course.)

New Addition 3: Began working on art for the sex scenes

Every animation starts off looking something like this (sorry for the super saturated clashing colors, it's just how I draft stuff):

I know, it doesn't look great at first. These sketches are really just to try to capture a certain movement. After I clean/smooth these up & add more frames, I add the background, do the lineart, and then finally add color at the end.

I can't believe it's already Monday again! My day job is ramping up again this week, so time is slipping away like hm...tears in the rain? Anyway, have a lovely week, everyone 🌈πŸ’ͺ

Last week's Todos:

  • Finish chapter backgrounds + character sprites + portrait art (DONE βœ”)
  • Add all assets to the game (DONE βœ”)
  • Finish all parts outside of the sex scene (sex scenes take the longest) (semi-unrealistic goal, but we'll see) (DONE βœ”)

This week's Todos:

  • Work on the sex scene animations
  • Make alternate versions of the script for different anatomy choices

By the end of the month (goal):


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