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Major Change 1: Added new character to Chapter 1
This succubus is going to be a reoccurring character, and I thought it would be neat to introduce them in chapter 1.

Major Change 2: Changes to start screen (once again)
I don't know what I was thinking with the arrows beneath the chapters like...that just looks weird, right? Anyway, now they are on either side of the chapters.

Major Change 3: Exclusive mini-chapters
I was thinking of ways to thank my patrons more, since y'all are really the reason why I can devote so much time to these projects in the first place. Thus: exclusive mini-chapters! I will try to get out a mini-chapter between some of the main chapters for y'all. These will be shorter than the regular chapters and contain no plot development, but they will likely contain kinkier content.
The first mini-chapter will be with Sam and contains pet play. I'll try to finish it so that I can release it at the same time as chapter 1, but we'll see...
I know what I want to do for mini-chapter 2, but let me know if there are any kinks you want to see in future ones. (Keep in mind, I only make consensual stuff.)

Last week's Todos:

  • Add extra character event to chapter one (a surprise) (DONE ✔)
  • Go bug hunting & revise dialogue (polish the game, prepare for release) (continuous, there will always be bugs)

This week's Todos:

  • Prepare to release chapter 1 on Friday.

By the end of the month (on track):

  • Upload new version of chapter 1 to Itch.io


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