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Major Change 1: Start screen/chapter select screen
I thought about releasing the game as separate chapters (like a new itch.io page for every chapter), but then decided it would be simpler to just update one game page with new chapters to try to keep it more contained. This is also probably necessary in order to keep variables between chapters.
Thus, the start screen:And yup, the character's hair here does change depending on what hairstyle the player picks during chapters :3c Tags are also shown when the chapter buttons are hovered so that players can decide whether they want to play the chapter or not.
It also keeps track of which chapters a player has completed.

Major Change 2: Revised Dialogue
I went through the old chapter 1 sex scene dialogue and changed it to work with the new sex scene format. Plus, I wanted to change the phrasing of some things.
Also, if you're curious about the dialogue workflow, I write all the dialogue in Markdown first and then covert it to JSON using a Python script I coded. Below is the original dialogue (left) VS how it looks in JSON format (right).
Other things:
Got new music for the game.
- Fixed a lot of bugs. Like a lot of them. And that's just the ones I noticed.
- Added some new art to the chapter one sex scene (for both the penis and strap-on variations):And some new clothes...And worked a little more on the talking busts for Lilith (chapter 2) and I just think she is so pretty...
That's about it for this week. I forgot how much fun it is to work on this project! I just want to work on it 24/7, so I have to be very strict with myself so that I get my other work done.  

Last week's Todos:

  • Chapter select/start screen (DONE ✔) 
  • Re-writing dialogue for chapter 1 (DONE ✔)
  • Game over screens (DONE ✔)
  • Bug fixes (continuous, there will always be bugs)

This week's Todos:

  • Add extra character event to chapter one (a surprise) 
  • Go bug hunting & revise dialogue (polish the game, prepare for release) 

By the end of the month (on track):

  • Upload new version of chapter 1 to Itch.io


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