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Hi everyone,

first I want to welcome all the new Patrons who joined in the last 10 days. It was absolutly amazing to see this huge positive response, even with the project still being in the early phase. A big thanks to everyone, of course also to the long time supporters who stayed here without knowing what will come next.

So what happened in these last 10 days?

Maybe some of you have already seen some of the screenshots and videos on Twitter: I worked most of the time on the RDP, fixing graphic bugs and implementing more functions of it. Also some time went into fixing general bugs to get more games running.

There is now a significant amount of games that show at least something on boot(50% or more), but the number of games that are fully working ingame is still not high(maybe 20%?).

A possible reason is that 3 major features are missing:

- the CPU still has no TLB. Several games like Goldeneye or Conker will not even show anything without that functionality

- PAL timing is not implemented at all, so NTSC games run with PAL timing and video interface, which seems to throw off several PAL games that work in the US version

- save memory implementation is still not complete, which results in games trying to initialize the saves over and over again and will not start

N64 games have different possiblities for saving: EEprom, SRAM or Flash in the Cartridge and also the controller pak. Games cannot depend on the controller pak to work, so this is low priority, but the other 3 are very important.

EEprom seems to work so far and I recently added the SRAM functionality, which allows Ocarina of Time to go ingame. (still with graphical glitches and hangs, but it is progress for sure)

These 3 open points(TLB, PAL, Flash) are the main things I want to tackle next. Probably overall game compatiblity has already improved when these features are implemented.

The full progress:

- CPU: 60%, TLB missing, most other parts implemented

- RDP(Graphics): 60%, most features implemented, rarely used features and known bugs remain

- Memory: 80%, all DMAs and Memory areas implemented and working so far

- FPU: 80%, all features implemented and tests fulfilled so far

- RSP(second CPU): 60%, all features implemented and tests fulfilled but not pipelined yet

- Inputs: 50%, no change, works in games

- Sound: 50%, no change, works in games

- Saving: EEProm and SRAM implemented, Flash and Controllerpak missing

Have fun!




Very exciting! Great to see OOT ingame :)


This is crown jewel of cores that will make the mister complete. So excited for the possibilities.