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The WonderSwan Core can now play about 75% of the non-color games.

It still misses: Sound, Savegames, Savestates and has bugs.

As I'm going for Color support and Sound next, I will not fix the bugs for now, but rather when everything is implemented. This will take some more weeks.

So today, I wanted to put up a Beta version of the current status, but I decided against it. The quality is just not what I want to float around, I want it to be better, even for the first version. 

Some of you may experience the WonderSwan the first time with this core and I don't want the first impression to be bad.

So please bear with me, that you have to wait a little longer.



Kein Problem - noch dazu bei dem Tempo in dem Du Forstschritte machst. Ist tatsächlich meine erste Wonderswan Erfahrung abgesehen von einem kurzen Städtetrip bei dem ein Mitreisender einen dabei hatte.