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FINAL UPDATE: Turned out as a perfect tie between Veggiemaster Aspen, and Jackrabbit Karina.

BDSM fans (and freckles enthusiasts) despair not!
Sue and Option #3 will return next time, shuffled into a new pool of options for you to pick and combine.

This is how it works!
I already pre-selected 3 cuties out from our big-bag-of-cuties — because they're the ones I'm in the moods to draw/humiliate/debauch rn... so, a bit of cheating there („ಡωಡ„) But you get to pick the two of them you wanna see the most!

Then we have 3 itemized 'adventures' to choose from. And it's up to you to decide who̴̷̴s̴̷̴e̴̷̴ ̴̷̴b̴̷̴u̴̷̴t̴̷̴t̴̷̴ gets what!!

—Remember to make 2 choices, since CarePacks feature two girls each time—
You can tell me your picks in the comments combining their name-letter (S for Sue, K for Karina... you get it) followed by the item's number.
For example, "A1" if seeing Aspen devour her vegetables up the wrong end is what your heart so desires —a sign of your cultured judgement.

I'll collect your inputs from the comments and mark the coordinates on the chart. Voting will be up through Sunday, and I will keep the chart updated so feel free to check for preliminary results if you want. : )




A1-K2 Sorry about my previous comment I fluffed up


Big brownie points for the girls' reactions to the results hahaha, LOVE that little detail