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Okay, it's time to start sending out the packs! =D Check your inboxes guys!

The pledges aren't all complete yet (being a bit slow this month) but I feel we've waited enough. Those who have had any issues to process their pledge, don't worry and contact me if you have any clue about it. As soon as your status is fixed, I'll get you September's pack without delay! : )

Once again, guys, I thank you deeply for all your support and active presence in my Patreon campaign, you are helping me and my art so much. I couldn't keep doing this without you.

I'll keep on working my hardest! ♥



Ashley Mason

Cheers, champ- downloading now--- :D


You know you're a fan for someone on patreon when you keep refreshing the page, checking e-mail, and checking the profile message board lol I really like the color palettes, and the background wth cacti remind me of West Texas


Aww, makes me wish I posted things daily, to make worthy all the page-refreshing. Haha. Glad you liked 'em! To me, cacti from now on shall remind me of artful struggles. xD But I really like the homely tiny ones, in pots.

Ashley Mason

oh, I have! Very nice, indeed! :D I am in need to clean up my SSD of room for Photoshop to open the files to peek behind the scenes. (not enough scratch room)


Ah yes, I've been there before. Just last week, my Photoshop was taking almost 30GB of scratch-room, to keep Lesath's file open. Poor hard drives. xD


lol Oh there's no need it was definitely worth it! Yeah those are funny, especially when you find the small fat ones