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Harmony at last, hi guys today I want to show you two previews, this has been a week of hard work to create these two sequences, I still have to polish the physics a little bit but I feel happy with the animation, a parallel shot of these two goddesses, if they met who do you think would devour who?




Right eats left I would say. Brigette right now is a pred unmatched with her size and comsumption. I can only imagine again the work and passion you put inyo this. Remember though to always take care of yourself first and foremost. Have a great day as always Jane, and an even better week ahead.


Thank you Noah, it is true that if Brigitte keeps eating her size will be such that Jill would even be just an appetizer.

Nelson B

Not sure who would swallow who, but remember, , Jill has been at this for years now, and has probably lost count of how many she’s swallowed.


that sounds so sexy and it's one of the things I love about Jill, she probably doesn't remember the face of many of her meals anymore.