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No matter how hard you suck!!! you don't have the strength to devour me again, soon you'll know what I've lived through.

But I won't let you go.

Judy squeezes with all her strength, she knows that if Yen escapes she won't have the strength to avoid being devoured by the growing Yen, but the skin totally covered with Judy's gastric juices is very slippery and Yen's strength seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

The only thing that keeps her still trapped inside Judy's intestines is her ever-widening hip.

I don't know which one I envy more at this moment, I love the idea of growing so much, but having something so big growing even bigger inside you sounds delicious, guys I'm working on this sequence, I'm almost done I'll put it to render and it should be ready tomorrow.




The struggle! The push vs the pull! Love it!

Rasiku Campbell

This is probably the most intense struggle between Preds I've ever seen.


Hehe thanks guys I've worked a lot to make it something amazing.