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Jill really wants to keep her word to Emily, but Michelle's seductive attitude is pushing her will to the limit.

"How delicious it would be to devour this girl whole, to have her slide down my throat smoothly and be trapped in me forever.... since she has shown so much interest in getting close to me."

"But if I devour her, it couldn't be just her no,no,no,no,no I'd have to devour everyone else too... how delicious it would be all of them swirling around inside me, a fantastic meal"

"Stop thinking about it Jill you're not helping."

As Jill meditates all this in her head, the tension and desire grows stronger and stronger.

As Jill meditates all this in her head the tension and desire grows greater and greater and her desire to hold back grows weaker and weaker.



Rasiku Campbell

That is some unwanted physical contact! Eat her Jill! The vore way, not the other way...🫣 sorry.


Ooooh this is how you get eaten with the quickness!


The vore way... sees the only way to go.