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  • loop05_wip.mp4



Link for video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kdy3oacdft6aoia6044ps/h?rlkey=zys0j4o8tfi17hddryzne586h&dl=0 for those checking it next month.

Luckily I have this one more day in Feb. So far we're done with jerking set of animations for Rex & Girls and are moving to those with sex.

You can check video attached or via the link in description.




With both


nah, the sex is with just Casey while Lana is helping out with his second dick. It's hard to set up actual sex with both girls at the same time, but we're working on it in the following post.


hi Brandon. There's no date yet. I'm working on it as much as I can, but the result is pretty unsatisfying, to say the least. Pushing things harder just quickly throws me into a hard depression and makes things even worse. I just can't do another unfulfilled date promise. I hope the Spring sun will help a bit and I make it in March, but that's just my expectations :/