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  • lana.mp4
  • development process.mp4



Hi everyone!

This time I have a piece of better news - the work on the Development build has finally going smoothly last 10 days. I've already coded Lana's gym story starting from 0 Fitness up to 15, including Arnie bj and fitball scenes and their related dialogs, moving into the story "Lana's obsession with her ass" that leads to squats, Coach seduction, and Squats Scene. 

Another thing I'm trying is 'environmental' cum-covered stuff - I've added cum assets to Lana's character and coded their appearance in the game. I'm not sure how this suppose to work in the game and I want to give it a quick try this week with other character's reactions when Lana has a cum on her face after the Gym Arnie bj scene. You can check the development video attached. I want to give it a quick try, but not spend much time on it.

This is the first time within the last couple of months I managed to work on coding & story regularly and so far I plan to keep up the pace. The plan is to release the development build either as full as it is planned now (including Lana seducing Coach) or a reduced version (if I don't meet timelines to include everything) around next week. 

Sadly there isn't much art in March due to personal issues of one of the artists, but I'll post all art updates in the following posts.




No pressure, but any estimation for the new update yet?


Anything? It's been a month.