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Hey there, everyone!

I think this is the first time I didn't struggle a ton writing a Keisuke update in recent memory. It's a nice break from the usual routine with him.

Also, I wanted to clarify something with the last Shoichi update that was released last month: even though the update was the same size (if not slightly bigger) than previous updates, because it only covered one in-game day everyone kept telling me they thought it was short. I just want people to know that all my updates are pretty much the same size. I never release any updates shorter than 1500 lines (counted in the script editor). This update size has been consistent for over a year and that's how big everyone update has been. Whether it has one in-game day (with 1500 lines all on itself), two in-game days (with 750 lines each) or any variation of amount to lines per update (this one for instance is 1220 and 310 for Days 21 and 22 respectively) all my updates are consistently the same size. If one ends up particularly enjoyable and leaves you wanting more, it makes me happy to know you liked it, but please don't tell me the update was shorter than usual because it really, really wasn't ^^'

Anyway, now that all that rambling is done with, here's the list of changes this update:


  • Keisuke's days 21 and 22 added.
  • New artwork added.
  • Typo log was fully cleared.

PC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tvfxjg2lz2ttxkz/TennisAce0.30-pc.zip/file

Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/02u06l1lttnlnnv/TennisAce0.30-mac.zip/file 

Android:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/zulr5ew615qx738/TennisAce0.30-android.apk/file 




Eeeeeeeeee! Keisuke's updates are never long enough for me! But, I hope you know that I jest! Keep up the wonderful work! I'm glad that Keisuke's update when well for you and I look forward to playing it this holiday weekend!


Okay, so only now (14 hours after I released the update) did I find out that most likely a lot of people didn't get an e-mail notification about a new update release. Turns out Patreon now has a little button called "Notify patrons about this" that you have to mark before you post otherwise people don't know about it anymore... And I did not know that. Great.


so in this update it will futher develope the relashionship between keisuke and MC, nice i want the ocg sex scene *^* , i think he hide a good package u.u


I really liked this. Keisuke's updates I've felt have consistently been the weakest of the three since Keisuke and Yuuichi have never clicked romantically quite as well as Yuuichi does Jun and Shoichi. They are just so different from each other, that I had a hard time really feeling that they connected well outside of their relationship as tennis rivals, but I think their awkwardness was really the strength of this update. It's like if the pieces of two different puzzle pieces were trying to figure out how they fit together, and it really worked.


Interestingly enough I did get a notification about the build when you first posted it but for whatever reason it ended up in my 'Promotions' folder instead of my 'Primary' one (I use G-Mail btw). Your second notification did show up in the proper spot though so that button must be at least somewhat important.


Two days of goofing off and having fun with no real plan or goal in mind, it would almost seem out of character for Keisuke but was quite fitting given everything that had happened previously. A couple days to unwind and recharge after the chaos of the school festival was exactly what the characters needed even if they weren't consciously aware of it. I also felt the slow-burn approach to their relationship was ideal despite Yuuichi being so receptive to Keisuke's confession at first, it was only a matter of time before he got too deep into his own head and tried to over-analyze it all. The dynamic of the relationship being seemingly a mismatch on paper leads to a more interesting story flow, if they manage to make it work despite being what appears to be a bad fit on the surface will lead to a stronger bond on the whole than if it was a case of "they're perfect for one another of course they got together." Not to say that the latter is a bad thing, but it's more obvious and leads to a lot less speculation so it's not as much fun for the reader in my opinion. A fun update on the whole and looking forward to seeing where things progress from here.


Great update, only one small critique, update 22 feels like it just ends too abruptly, the characters spend most of the day talking about lunch and so on without ever actually showing it as an end, and it just feels sort of incomplete I guess. I personally would have liked to see it through the lunch with some more dialogue, and then having the characters go their separate ways for the day.


I really like the MC but I don't completely understand him. From Shoichi' route, you can see that he's REALLY big on family. And you can also see from every route that he's oblivious as hell but how can he not notice how much Aki needs him? Your brother is struggling with Tennis and trying to walk in your footsteps and he never offers him lessons or tutoring or anything. This time Aki actually asked and he said "I'm busy, let's see if I can fit it in" then proceeds to spend the day playing with Keisuke. At least inviti Aki to play doubles with you, saya and Keisuke


You know I wonder if you even considered answering my last comment. As you suggested I re-posted it, but I never received any response. I was quite upset about it, because Shoichi was my favorite character, yes was... I think my reasons not liking the second half of his update were quite good explained by me. I was talking about it with my online friend from itch.io. She says Sho is her least favorite character of all 3 and that she didn't really care at all how it turned out for him and Juu. I'm writing this at 6 am without having slept beforehand, just so you know how much I care about my favorite VN's. (Not that I hadn't slept because of this comment....)