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It is Wednesday, my dudes. Hope your midweek is going well!

I've been posting this on my public socials already, but in case you're not already following me there, this Saturday 26th February at 9:30PM UTC (4:30PM EST / 2:30PM PST) I will be doing a very special livestream as part of the Dinosaur StreamFest! 🦖

The level of my apprehensive excitement is off the charts. I'm still stunned that I was selected alongside so many spectacular streamers, and I absolutely do not feel ready for what's going to happen. But at the same time, I get the sense that this is just going to be one of those things where you will never feel ready anyway, so there's nothing more to do than to just...do the thing. Oh, and hope that my poor laptop doesn't decide to shit the bed LOL.

ANYWAY. I wanted to give all you wonderful patrons an extra special something. I'm actually going to start streaming ~30 minutes before my time slot, and I would be absolutely honoured if you would join me then for some doodles dedicated to YOU! Drop me your requests in a comment here before the start of stream on Saturday and I'll get to as many of them as I can!

Stay awesome and kick ass the rest of the week and hope to see you Saturday on Twitch! 💖



I have school, but Lincoln would like to request a T-Rex please and thank you 🙏


Ohhh that sounds awesome! I don't know if I will be able to draw in time, but I would love to draw a hawk for you!! 💖 🦅