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I've been working on the demo, continuing with a small Galahad interaction (which is not finished yet, I got excited and skipped a bit forward but I'm returning to it now!) and onto the party properly starting. I've currently left off progress when the dancing begins, and Mordred gets to ask/be asked to dance (if they dance at all, that is). 

I've also decided on the topic of this month's short story (we're taking another dive into Morgana's mind, I hope you'll enjoy it!) and I'll put up the poll for the second story today. 

Concerning the Royal Sorcerer tier: I'm afraid I will be postponing the mini-game yet again. I don't feel confident I can - or really, should - push myself that much. My nerve issues aren't fully resolved yet. I apologize, and I hope you understand; feel free to cancel or downgrade from the Royal Sorcerer tier for the time being, if you'd rather return when the mini-game is actually finished.

And since I've mentioned my nerves, I want to give a bit of an update on my health. I've finally managed to see a doctor, which confirmed what I suspected - compression of the ulnar nerve, in both arms, and perhaps some issue in the carpal tunnel too. I got prescribed supplements, I'll be doing some further testing, return to the doctor, and see what else he has to say.  All in all, this is progress!

Once again, thank you all for the understanding, patience and support you've shown me. Hope you all have a great week!


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