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A simple drawing to celebrate Lunar New Year~ Vanilla wants to show you guys her best features! 👀🤭✨✨


I will be away for a while as my family celebrates this holiday. So I will be with my family for a while until then. I'm not the best as replying messages but I read them with a lot of gratitude. I always appreciate every single interaction with you all 🥰

But do not worry! I will be back in less than a week !!💖💖 I cannot be away for too long haha!  In the mean time, please take care of yourselves 😌✨ I will see you all again in a few days! 

For now, Vanilla will continue to keep you all company 💕





oh this beautiful drawing of Miss Vanilla will certainly have me taking care of myself 🥵💦 I just wanna flip up that flap in front 😳💕 have a good holiday, and we'll be waiting patiently for you and miss Vanilla's return 🙏


Enjoy the lunar new year