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  • new pig 6_wip_1557-3783.mp4



I've been working on this shot and trying really hard to make it good. There's some spots that need more work (some parts with the pig's hole have some glitchy jank going on) and this is also before doing a pass on this to fix a lot of the current clipping stuff (hopefully a good chunk of it would be resolved when the jiggle stuff is in, with the snout colliding and stuff pushing away parts of the cheeks).

But I'm just trying to make sure the character animation is nice and smooth and stuff before even thinking about testing fluids (because changing animation stuff could have some unforeseen consequences on parts of the fluid that I tested to be okay, might end up changing in an undesirable way)

But yeah I hope to have some nice saliva on the tongue, some nice juices from the hole, nice splats as the tongue f*cks the hole, that sort of stuff...

Also I made a simple utility for stats on the current frame range. Sometimes I want to know how many frames the animation is or how long it is so far and I usually whip out the old calculator program. So instead I made a panel that shows the fps, start/end frame, how many frames, the runtime...

I'd like to have an easy way to switch between settings I use all the time (stuff for viewport settings, draft renders, final renders, being able to specify a separate path for each would be cool). The + and - are there to increment/decrement the file name version. That stuff doesn't work yet because I stopped before the feature creep really started to take hold... Probably a bit too specific to my needs to be useful to anyone but if it seems useful let me know, I'll do some more work on it and post the code.

Anyway I've attached the latest WIP bit so far.



Wdw Wdw

Can’t express my excitement for this enough <3


Butt appetit

Michael Killey

Can't wait for the full animation.


Damn, I'm really looking forward to it. You're making a great vore~