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  • parasaur solo_cinematic version3_0000-3925.mp4



I've been working on several shots while simulation stuff is going on.  There's these two shots which don't have any fluid (which is nice for a change!) so they've been much quicker to have almost ready for final rendering. I wanted to get a better idea of the lighting for these bits so I did some low res draft renders, just to see how his shape appears, like if the rim light is doing it's job of putting a rim on him.

(Forgot to turn the shirt on but it'll be there in the final renders)

I'm pretty happy with how the lighting looks! The part where his snout squishes will make more sense when there's sound- it's supposed to be like, as he hears the sound of the knot squishing into Jake, then popping out, he realizes what's going on behind the door.

I might add a couple seconds to both shots, I feel like they go a bit fast. I was trying to keep them short (to not ruin the pacing of the lewd too much) but I think they're a bit too short...

I've also been working on testing the fluids for one of the shots where Taylor is stroking (he's stroking, then c*ms a bit, then continues stroking, this isn't the real money shot! It's like, a little mini one)

While those test bakes were going on, I was working on one of the shots of Jake. I ended up having to do more stuff than I thought I would for this. I was thinking "eh, I can just change a bit of the underlying animation and it'll be fine" but I get a bit self-conscious about my animation, like is it too twitchy, too poppy, too fast... so I re-did a most of the knot going in/out loop and added some squash/stretch to his head/torso using the lattice/armature method. This helps kind of soften any faster motion a bit while maintaining the speed.

(imagine some chest jiggling too, haven't re-baked the soft bodies for this yet but I'm thinking it's going to look pretty hot when rendered)

Lattices really are one of the best objects in Blender. They're so good for squahs/stretch stuff.

Also a lamp, I made some abstract procedural materials for it, to be in the background of the parasaur's room.

Finally, I've been letting the final fluid sim for this bake in the background, mostly when I go to bed/have to go somewhere because it uses up a ton of memory/storage as it bakes, making it a pain to work on other stuff (like it ends up using all the free storage on the disk... so when you go to save something, you can't because there's no space left on the hard drive so you have to stop the sim, close it, save what you were doing. It's just easier to bake a lighter fluid sim like test sims than have this one constantly running the background)

If you watch the attachment of the current animatic/storyboard/video/whatever you want to call it, you'll probably notice these weird dots of fluid flying around. No idea what that's about. I added an outflow object to the sim to get rid of them after a certain point but I'll have to use a boolean or some compositing to get rid of them later.

"They got stuck on the domain walls, Velocirection" no, they're not stuck to the domain walls because I have an outflow object that gets rid of fluid when it gets near the edge of the domain (and also they're floating around in the middle of the domain, there's no force field objects, there's no other obstacle objects in the scene besides his d*ck so it's neither of those). I didn't feel like figuring out what's going on because it takes *soooo long* for a handful of frames to sim on this one... so, like I said, I'll use booleans or something to get rid of the spots in the parts where they're there.

All I can guess is the fluid is so small and the resolution is so high that the way my settings cause small bits of fluid to act weird. I guess? Idk.

It's about half-way done baking.

So things are getting done, I should be able to get three shots finished and ready for final renders soon (the two with Taylor and the side view shot with Jake) and I'm thinking that the getting hard scene with the pre squirting and stuff will be the longest fluid bake (I'm hoping... I shouldn't have to use such a large domain and high resolution for the other bits).




Ooooh! These dinos make me feel so many things


I’m honest amazed by the amount of effort and detail you consider when creating and rendering these.